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Sad woodturning death.

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I have just returned from Demonstrating off centre turning in our and the most important thing I was trying hard to get over to Members was that it is quite safe as long as you take care. If you dont and you get a finger between the wood and the rest you could easily lose a finger.
I do not believe Woodturning is dangerous as long as you make safety your priority

Regards George

I'm with you on that Paul. The one safe assumption is that this unfortunate chap thought what he was doing was safe. Perhaps he had done similar things dozens, or even hundreds, of times before. The best thing that we, the turning comunitee, can do in his memory is to open our eyes and look again at each and every action and technique we rely on and TRY to find things which could take us by surprise.
Condolences to his family and friends

One thing that occurs to me, was would something like this be fatal if the operator had been wearing a full face shield? I admit that for small stuff, particularly spindle turning I rarely wear one. For larger stuff like bowls I normally do. I currently use a Honeywell Bionic with Anti Mist Polycarbonate Visor.

Perhaps all turners should be encouraged to wear a good quality face shield as a matter of course?

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Bill21 on January 26, 2023, 12:41:59 PM ---Perhaps all turners should be encouraged to wear a good quality face shield as a matter of course?

--- End quote ---

Yes they should, and not only know where to stand when turning the lathe on but actually standing there!

I gave a taster session to a potential Newby in the week and, during the safety briefing a new thought arrived. I think most of us have assumed this chap was hit by a piece of timber but how often do you see turners, even demonstrators, leave a chuck key in situ?
An airborne chuck key would be far more lethal than any piece of wood.
 More food for thought.......


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