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French Polishers Handbook

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Bryan Milham:
Okay guy's

I've sent a copy to everyone (up to this posting) who's requested one.

You should get 7 big emails - let me know if there is a problem and I'll resend whatever is missing.


I've sent you a Dropbox link via e-mail.

The offer is still open to everyone - or anyone else of course.

Dave Wilcox:
Hi Bryan, I would like a copy of your hard work please ;-)
Dave Wilcox

Hello Dave (atco) if I bring one those magic storage sticks to the EC meet could you download it onto that?

Dave Atkinson:
Hi John

Please bring your magic stick and I'll download with pleasure.

I haven;t had time to look at it in detail yet but it looks like one of those brilliant little books you find from time to time.

Many thanks to Bryan for sharing.

Cheers Dave

Hi Bryan,
Thanks ever so much for the 'book'. I started reading it last night and it's fascinating. I could have some fun and games with the recipes but it's a wonderful source of additional information. I hope that anyone else who comes across similar 'gems' will do likewise and offer them to the rest of us.

Best regards,
Paul - Woodcrafts


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