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I’ve just looked at the members list. It’s huge with the vast majority it seems never even making one post! On other forums I’ve been on they delete members that don’t post. Is it really that difficult to do or is it just AWGB policy to just leave the bones behind forever?  ;D

David Buskell:
Bill, I never thought of looking at the members list until I saw your post. Wow, there are a lot of names  there and as you say, a lot that have not posted anything since joining.
You would think it would be an easy job for Admin to delete all the zero activity accounts but I guess the powers that be really haven't considered clearing out the "bones".

Not sure  who the Admin for the Forum is but let's hope they see and read this thread.

I hold my hands up as one of those that rarely if ever post on this site although I do look at the site most days .   I cannot explain why other than my interest in woodturning declined with the onset of Hip issues which made turning somewhat uncomfortable.  However just recently had a replacement Hip fitted and was on the lathe today giving a friend of my Daughter an introduction to W Turning. He went away with a light pull and more importantly a big grin on his face. It actually rekindled my interest somewhat.

   The Club I attended closed its doors when Covid struck and to be honest to date I have not made the effort rejoin them since they have reopened  Something I must really  force myself to do now that mobility is getting better.    Truthfully I am running out of excuses.   
     I may be wide of the mark but I am under the impression that interest in Woodturning is declining fast.  Seen several Lathes and other equipment come up for sale this last couple of years and some seem to have generated little or no interest to the adverts.   IS it a sign of the times?????    Electricity costs having rocketed as have price of wood etc which is making many think again about this hobby.    Not doing it myself but guess sales via Craft fairs etc have been hit hard...    Also to see places like the Snainton wood turning business close its doors is very sad. Will be doing our annual run to N Yorks this next month and will miss visiting them to stock up on Timber and the consumables as I have done over the last 10 - 15 years.   

   I will not be giving up as yet but once I have worked my way thro my stash of Blanks etc who knows what will happen.  My Vicmarc VL175 is still going strong but if it gives up on me I am not sure  what will happen,  Have had a fancy for a Magma 3/400 for the last 7 years or so but I doubt if that happen now......    I suppose I am not the only one who is thinking like me.

Paul Hannaby:

--- Quote from: David Buskell on June 27, 2023, 10:18:08 AM ---Not sure  who the Admin for the Forum is but let's hope they see and read this thread.

--- End quote ---

If you click the "position" field on the members list it sorts by user type. Administrators appear at the top of the list.

Les Symonds:

--- Quote from: Redwill on June 27, 2023, 05:46:36 PM ---
     I may be wide of the mark but I am under the impression that interest in Woodturning is declining fast.  Seen several Lathes and other equipment come up for sale this last couple of years and some seem to have generated little or no interest to the adverts.   IS it a sign of the times?????    Electricity costs having rocketed as have price of wood etc which is making many think again about this hobby.    Not doing it myself but guess sales via Craft fairs etc have been hit hard...    Also to see places like the Snainton wood turning business close its doors is very sad. Will be doing our annual run to N Yorks this next month and will miss visiting them to stock up on Timber and the consumables as I have done over the last 10 - 15 years.   

--- End quote ---
I agree, you are wide of the mark. As an RPT member who specialises in woodturning tuition , things are currently extremely busy and I struggle to cope with the demand for tuition. A possible reason why there are so many used lathes on the market at the moment, is that many woodturners could be upgrading. Also, Snainton was a family-run business which closed because the family retired.



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