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Orange Oil

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It’s gone very quiet on here again, no posts for ages.

So, I saw some Orange Oil Wood Polish for sale so I thought I’d get some to try.
It’s thin like the Lemon Oil you can get from Chestnut but it smells a lot nicer. It may actually be very slightly more viscous?
Apparently it’s more for cleaning or bringing out the grain and then overcoating with something else.
Anyone tried it?

Orange Oil seems to be appearing in a few wood preparations these days.

Twisted Trees:
I was visiting Martin Saban-Smith when they were testing and developing the Citrus Burnishing Oil, again an orange rather than lemon smell to it, as soon as it was on the market I bought a tin and use it as a workshop fragrance... It is a bit different to most oils as you do use friction heat to set it between coats (hence the burnishing in the name)  but does a great job with a satin finish which I prefer on anything that has an imperfection (inclusion or natural edge in my book) while I like a gloss finish on perfect round items I think it detracts from the natural organic items I usually prefer to make.

There really are lots of wood finishing oils available aren’t there. I’ve been using the Liberon stuff for a while and that seems pretty good.

I used to use Danish Oil years ago but it could go very sticky at times so I gave up on it.
Some versions used to contain some pretty nasty ingredients as I remember.

This Orange oil is supposed to be natural, pure oil and with no solvents.

Twisted Trees:
In the UK we are mostly lucky with our "Danish Oil" as most UK versions are Tung Oil with drying accelerators, in the US "Danish Oil" is mainly Linseed  Oil based, and often a varnish with a teaspoon of some oil in it. I usually go for a "Food & Toy" safe finish even if the object is not supposed to have any connection to food or toys, it all has a shelf life so pick any one finish and get it used up before it goes off in the tin.

Yes, I’ve had Tung oil form a tough film even in a sealed bottle.


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