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Comment on September Revolutions

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--- Quote from: BrianH on September 05, 2023, 10:43:43 AM ---Bill
A Spindle roughing gouge and a spindle gouge are 2 very different animals.

--- End quote ---

Yes, I’m aware of that. I’ve only just realised the top link in the picture I posted mentioned a roughing gouge. I should have cropped the image.  ;)

I wouldn’t dream of using a SRG on anything other than spindle work.
It’s interesting though the reasons some folks give for not doing this, ie the weak tang that some SRG’s have. It’s a valid point in itself but there are SRG’s out there that are milled from solid rod, I have one myself made by Crown. Much larger versions are commonly available in the USA.

As for continental spindle gouges forged from flat bar these are not so common these days. They are still available new but I don’t know anyone that has one. They do seem to turn up in some very cheap sets though.

Paul Hannaby:
I have more than one continental spindle gouges and they do get used from time to time.

I also use a spindle gouge on a bowl (usually the outside) but generally don't use a bowl gouge on a spindle, mainly because I would want a shallower bevel angle for spindle use than I put on my bowl gouges. However, there is a lot of cross-over between bowl gouges and spindle gouges. I have a deep fluted spindle gouge that has a flute probably deeper than some of my bowl gouges and I have also seen bowl gouges with relatively shallow flutes. In general terms, there is little in terms of strength between conventional round bar spindle and bowl gouges so I don't have a problem with people using them on either bowls or spindles.

I do agree that any wide spindle gouge with a reduced tang should be reserved for use on a spindle/parallel grain project. Perhaps the use of skew chisels as scrapers on bowls should also be avoided for the same reason?

An article about the turning of a Purpleheart Bowl was included in the last issue of the Revoloutions Newsletter. In the article it mentions that the bowl blank was “Trued Up” using a Spindle Roughing Gouge, this was an oversight on our part as it was not picked up before publishing. We at the AWGB in no way condone or recommend the use of this tool for this purpose in fact quite the opposite. The article was written by a young member and we should aim to guide him away from this practice in a kind and understanding way, which we will do. I find it refreshing that Harry, a sixteen year old, took the time to produce the article and only wish that others would do likewise in order to give the Newsletter more content, well done Harry Rodwell.

In fact on the same page as the article is a request for more Volunteers to help run your Association, with more help we might be able to spot these issues before they escalate, remember we on the Executive are all volunteers.
Regards Russell Gibbs [Chairman]
The above has just been published on the News page of the website, thanks everyone for the comments.


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