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Inverter care / maintenance

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Most likely scenario where condensation occurs would be sitting in a very cold workshop and then warming it up rapidly.

I work in half a double garage.  Last December unusually for here the temperature dropped well below freezing for several days, -10 at times, so (being an amateur) I didn't go out there for long.  The duration of sub zero meant that everything in there got very cold, unlike the more normal cold night/warmer day where the theremal mass of the building itself moderates things.  Then the temperature rose to +11 overnight, next day everything was at best damp but in many cases wet, cast iron lathe bed, bandsaw table etc being the worst.  Inevitable really, I didn't start anything motor powered, left all the doors and windows and cupboards and everything open for several hours over 2 days and and wiped down what I could and all was well.

The post above is right, its not the temperature that is the risk it's the change in temperature.

Wood spinner:
OK Thanks for the comments.


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