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First Proper Lathe - Vicmarc, Stratos ?

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Wood spinner:
This is my lathe that's for sale.,7231.0.html


--- Quote from: Wood spinner on December 23, 2023, 07:23:41 PM ---This is my lathe that's for sale.,7231.0.html

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messaged you.

Les Symonds:

--- Quote from: Gibletz on December 23, 2023, 02:00:38 PM ---
I am in Wales

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Whereabouts in Wales...I am in Bala and have the Stratos FU230 long bad which you're welcome to come and have a look at and even try out. I bought it from Simon and I rather doubt that you could find a better supplier to deal with. Excellent service.


You have some good advice here,    Think about what you want the lathe to do,  Headstock that swivels has not been mentioned .    Vicmarcs  are great lathes  The 300 being the top of the range but it has a fixed head I believe but it would not put me off.     
!0 years ago a bought a Vicmarc  VL175 ( used),   It has not missed a beat but I wish  I had done more homework as it was not long before I realised that more clearance over the bed would have been better for me.   A large lathe will turn small items but a small lathe will not do the big stuff is very true thing the many turners will say.
Good luck with whatever you choose but be sure it is right for what you want to turn


--- Quote from: Les Symonds on December 24, 2023, 07:19:52 AM ---
--- Quote from: Gibletz on December 23, 2023, 02:00:38 PM ---
I am in Wales

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Whereabouts in Wales...I am in Bala and have the Stratos FU230 long bad which you're welcome to come and have a look at and even try out. I bought it from Simon and I rather doubt that you could find a better supplier to deal with. Excellent service.


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Thanks Les, I am near Llandovery so quite some way from you.
I am very very tempted by that Vicmarc that woodspinner has for sale, my biggest problem is getting it !


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