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Mike Collas


John D Smith:
I am sorry to hear Mike Collas is retiring as the AWGB Secretary, over the years Mike has done a tremendous amount of work for the AWGB
I would personally like to say thank you Mike and good luck in the future.Best Wishes John Smith

       I echo your sentiments entirely but although Mike is no longer the secretary you will still see him about at some of the shows. As a committed member of the AWGB he has volunteered to help man stands at some of the shows so you will still have the opportunity to catch up with him in the future.
John BHT

Bryan Milham:
I don't think I've ever met Mike but as a member of the AWGB I fuuly appreciate the work that our committee members do.

So I'd like to add my thanks for his past efforts and best wishes for the future.

I aslo note he'll continue having an input at shows etc. So we're not loosing him completely - guess it's got under his skin!

Frans Brown:
Having met Mike on several occasions while he was on the stand representing AWGB, I would like to say, he did a terrific job. It was always a pleasure to talk to him. He gave the impression that your views were considered. In my mind he was the approachable side of AWGB.

I haven’t always agreed with the attitude prevalent at the AWGB, but after a brief chat with Mike I always felt better about it.
Sorry to see you go Mike.



Well done Mike, look forward to seeing you out an about, take care and enjoy yourself.

Cheers          David


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