General Category > General Discussion

good morning

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Bryan Milham:
Francesco, I also add my welcome to you in this forum,


Andy Coates:
Hello Francesco. Glad to see you here. I'm glad the account worked for you.


Francesco Dibari:
... many thanks to all for the warm welcome ..  :)

John D Smith:
Hello Francesco,May I also ad my warmest Welcome to the AWGB Forum I hope to see many more of you photographs and Postings.

                                                       Regards John ;D

Francesco Dibari:

--- Quote from: John D Smith on August 03, 2012, 08:52:56 PM ---Hello Francesco,May I also ad my warmest Welcome to the AWGB Forum I hope to see many more of you photographs and Postings.

                                                       Regards John ;D

--- End quote ---

thanks John ...  :) ..


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