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AWGB Seminar 2011 DVD

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David Buskell:
Thanks to whoever sent my club the DVD about the 2011 Seminar.-there was no name on the comp slip or packet to reply to.

It's a great idea but one DVD amongst 70 or so club members does not compute!

To ensure the maximum people see the great work on show plus get a flavour of the Seminar  itself (2013 is the next Seminar year) can we have the Instant Gallery clips on Photobucket, Flickr or some other similar site?

The Intro video and selections from the various demos would be better able to be seen on Youtube. There are some AWGB postings on there but we should have a functional AWGB channel to maximise the potential.

Links to the above can far more easily be sent round to all our club members for them to have a look at in their own time.

Otherwise, we're stuck with showing the DVD on a club night or loaning it out to each member- which will take the next 5 years in our case!

Hey, just a  thought! Does the AWGB have a Facebook page?

Derwent Woodturning club:
I concur with David's suggestions but as an interim, I have made several copies of the DVD for use by club members.

Most PCs have this copy facility, and the software used was downloaded for free, so the costs were minimal.

And of course, the DVD can be viewed by those not on the 'net.

David Buskell:

That's a good idea to make extra copies - I;ll do one and put a copy in our Club library.

Let's see what response we get from the EC as I'm sure they will want as many members as possible to see the  DVD's contents.


Andy Coates:
Hello David,

I'm sorry there wasn't an explanatory slip in your copy; I know Brian printed one for inclusion. Must have been human error.

It would not be financially viable to produce copies for every member, and the one-per-club was considered better than none at all. We haven’t placed a copyright on the disc for precisely that reason.

The selected 50 images were available shortly after the 2011 seminar, and mention was made on the forum, website, and revs at the time, through the kind support of Jonathon Cuff and Shirley Sinclair at

You did suggest a Facebook page years ago, and at the time I didn’t think there was much value in it (especially as it would be me administering and populating it!), but as time has gone on, and especially with you bringing it up again, I have to say it is something I will look at doing as soon as possible.

There are a couple of issues to address first, not least the issue of portability in the event I retire from the EC.
There is already a YouTube channel at which I have been remiss in keeping up-to-date. I’ll make a better effort!

During the 2011 and 2009 seminars I also uploaded “live” photographs to my own flickr channel and made mention here on the forum. The hit rate was not impressive. We will certainly do the same again for 2013 and hope more people benefit by looking at the stream.

One of the main problems with all social media, and you must know this from personal experience, is time to update all arms of your SM sites and keep them current and interesting. With the advent of the e-bulletin there is a real danger of overload, repetition, and at most times a lack of anything interesting to post. And as usual I imagine it will fall to me to do the finger tapping and uploading. I can only do so much. I will look at the possibility of co-opting another EC member to take on a couple of tasks and see where we get.

As ever, thank you for the comments and suggestions, they are genuinely appreciated.


Now I know that the easy option for club night is to sit the members down in front of a DVD for half an hour and a while back I would rather have my eyes poked out with a tea spoon than spend club night like that...................however,after showing the last Seminar DVD (2009)at the club and seeing the reaction of some of the members coupled with the fact that we can freeze the DVD and look closer and discuss the piece on the screen we actually had a very good(half) evening. We did have a few poor old souls nodding off but ask them a question or two and they soon wake up! When artistic turners are thin on the ground in your club I feel this is a good method to aid the thinking process of the less gifted(me!) and you would be surprised at the questions that are raised from it and solutions coming in from the floor(not all of them helpful though).We actally showed it as a filler on the AGM night,not knowing how lang the AGM would last we needed something flexible to fill an undetermined spot and it fitted exactly.So do try it out one night but don't forget that seeing it first hand at the seminar is really the best way of all.
John BHT


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