General Category > General Discussion

Gallery photos

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Lionel Pringle:
Roger Groom has suggested to me that some of the pieces that are posted in the gallery deserve a wider audience and should be published in Revolutions. I have done this in the past but not for some while. I would be prepared to have a regular gallery page. So to begin with would members be happy for this to happen? I have checked a few of the current submissions and the quality of the photos is quite mixed, I would only be able to make use of good sharp images and would need the original, straight from the camera, to work with. This is of course subject to the Editors choice and all contributors need to be members of the AWGB.
Please post your thoughts and maybe, if there is sufficient space, I can make a start with the December issue.

Roger Groom:
Hi Lionel
I think that the problem is that the gallery will only accept low resolution pics. So once the pieces have been selected then maybe the member can send you high res pics direct..

Dave Atkinson:
Good idea - I'm all for it

Cheers Dave

ken rodgers:
Good idea - I agree with Rogers comments on piture quality.

Yes I am in favour,
Must remember to save original before reducing the quality.


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