General Category > General Discussion

Gallery photos

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Doug Barratt:

--- Quote from: John D Smith on October 13, 2012, 03:22:11 PM ---Hi My camera is only a point and shoot type of digital camera the pictures come out at 2560 x 1920 pixels so I assume this is not good enough?

                                                                    Regards John

--- End quote ---

I can`t help with technical issues re cameras & pixels as I know nothing about them, but  I only have a point & shoot digital camera & when submitting pictures for articles I simply e-mail the original file, which has always been suffice.



Martin Lawrence:
  Try the camera in a mobile phone, some give excellent quality and size pics.

  Cheers Martin

Lionel Pringle:
Nothing wrong with point and shoot. It really is a case of suck it and see. If I want to use somebody's photo I'll ask them to e-mail me the original straight from the camera and we'll see where we go from there.

Jo Winter2:
Hi Lionel,
I agree, no problem.

John D Smith:
Hi I received my copy of Revolutions yesterday and I must say what a good idea it was to include photographs of pieces from the Forum Gallery
 good idea Roger and thank you to Lionel lets hope it continues.Regards John


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