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Wizardry in wood

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Doug Barratt:
I recently saw Guy Ravine demo`ing & he was telling of the Wizardry in wood exhibition in London.

I was wondering as it starts on Wednesday 17th if anyone was thinking of attending.

Baby sitters etc willing, I hope to pop down on Wednesday.


Andy Coates:
I'll be there on Saturday. Can't make the other days, but have to be there to collect my pieces from the comps. The Mary Rose exhibition alone is worth the entry fee, but aside from that there will be lots to see and be inspired by. Enjoy it, Doug.

Roger Groom:
Hi Doug
I shall be travelling down on the Wednesday with three friends from our club. I attended the last one and without a doubt it was the best collection of turned work I have ever seen. Fantastic and the setting at the Carpenters hall is great as well. May meet you if I can recognize you.
Roger G

I will be there on Friday along with some of the club members. It's my first time and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm sure the Mary rose exhibition will be worthwhile but I want to see the Faberge pieces.

Martin Lawrence:

  I will be there every day on the AWGB stand, please come along and introduce yourself,

Cor blimey guvna five days in the smoke would you adam and eve it lol

Cheers Martin


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