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forum postings


John D Smith:
Hi Everyone, I have not been posting for the last week as my laptop decided to pack up.I have managed to borrow one for a couple of hours so I am spending this time catching up with the Forum postings and I must say I am impressed with every thing I have missed from items posted on the Gallery to the general discussions going on,I think the Forum is going from strength to strength.Keep it up I will be back next week fingers crossed.Regards to everyone.John :) :) 

Andy Coates:
Well, if you will use the laptop to raise the legs on the lathe, what do expect, John?

Hope it comes back in good order, we wondered where you were.


John D Smith:
I am back ;D just feeling my way around a new laptop it's like learning to ride a bike all over again.I have just scanned through all the posts I have missed looks like everyone has been busy.I must no find out how to post pictures again as these are now in a new system to me. Regards John

Welcome back John,
                            see what happens when you use bits of your computer to make pens. ;D


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