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Bryan Milham:
And from the Forestry Commission;


ken rodgers:
Having seven ash trees bordering and in my garden, and only 24 miles away from the nearest outbreak of the disease I am very worried about the posibility of losing them.
Had a good look of them today and fingers crossed all is well.
25years ago 4 mature elms at the bottom of the garden were struck by the Dutch Elm disease.Then about 16years ago sapling appeared but these died of the same disease once achieving about 15 ft. It seem the disease is still in the ground?

I cannot understand why there is a need to import saplings and seeds - every year I pull up hundreds of saplings which germinate naturally from seeds.The daily papers say this is a multi £billion business- blimey I have been missing out on a few quid!!

The goverment should ban the import of all seeds/saplings/flowers etc - Australia does.

Bryan Milham:
I've extracted the following from a New Scientist Article on the subject. It's not all bad news.

Its [Ash Dieback] progress is almost impossible to halt. "There are few measures you can take," says Jens Peter Skovsgaard, a professor at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, who worked in Denmark during the worst of their ash dieback.

On the plus side, ashes are genetically diverse, and a significant number of trees are resistant to the fungus. That means the outbreak won't be as catastrophic for the landscape as Dutch elm disease, Skovsgaard says.

But there is still a lesson to be learned here: we use non-native plants at our peril. Want to keep out invasive foreign pathogens? Don't buy imported ornamental trees, now the major source.

I am sure that most if not all wood turners are concerned about the Ash tree disease.
 Rather than just talking about it I have started an online petition on the HM gov website to stop the importation of saplings and seeds into this country. If we get enough signatures it will be debated in Parliament. Those of you that use other forums please mention the link below.
The address is:-

Many thanks.
John BHT

Hi Mark,
             you are just echoing my sentiments but if we are too late for the Ash trees we may be in time for some other species.
John BHT


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