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Monster decisions

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The latest update on the rigmarole concerning Monster's Inverter Transplant.
In my search for a new inverter I was offered one firm's address on this forum and another via GMC. Mr Google also came up with another handful and I sent off 6 or 8 e-mails asking for help...well squealing like a big girl on a bad hair day really!
I only recieved 3 answers, and one of those (DrivesDirect, sorry Andy) acknowledged receipt but then disappeared back into the ether, never to be heard from again....And then there were two!  ::)

Power Drive offered to supply a suitable inverter but they would first require a technical drawing of the machine so that they could pre-programme the inverter and send it together with a wiring diagram for me to wrestle with. And then there was one :-\

Steven Haydock's were by far the most helpful, coming up with 3 options to get me back on the road without too much geekery on my part.
Option 1...The machine could be put back to standard spec but this would mean 'buying' a rather expensive man.
Option 2...They could supply an all-new box of tricks with lathe controls on its face and only needing 4 wires to be connected to the motor by me (the original, headstock mounted, controls would then be inoperable).
Option 3...Similar to Option 2 but with a second, smaller box pre-wired to the box of tricks and carrying remote lathe controls.
Unfortunately all of these options turned out to be significantly more expensive.... if markedly quicker... than Axminster's quote of a little over £400, headstock returned to me up and running but with a delay of some 3 months (This delay, it turns out, is because Axm take orders for machinery which are not then forwarded from the factory until they have a full a shipping container. A damn nuisance to me but understandable when you look at Axminster's prices!).

After sleeping on the decision I decided to take the coward's way out and told Axminster to get on with ordering the part.

This morning I had a minor brainwave and after rooting around in the darkest corners of the garage found up all the bits of my old M950 and used one of Mr Baldricks famously cunning plans to bolt its bed, piggy back fashion atop Monster's corpse. I am now officially back up and turning again.
This story goes on and on like a technical version of East Enders.
Bye for now

Andy Coates:
Hello Brian,

I'm sorry you didn't get a proper reply from DirectDrives, because I think you'd have saved time and money with them, and he'd have talked you through all the fitting. But hey, ho. Their loss.

Glad you plumped for something though, and that you're back turning in the meantime.


Hi Brian,

 An how is Monster, did it make it's way back north via Ax-express and now up and running, making loads of deep shavings..   ;D...  or is it, with all these Bank holidays still in transit or what ever big van which they use.


I'm pleased to report that Monster's transplant was a success and his recovery complete. He, I am faithfully assured, is currently waiting at Axm bus station clutching a ticket for tomorrow's eastbound stagecoach. I can't praise the Axm team highly enough, they said it would take up to 3 months...and yes, that's a bugger!... but they have performed within that timeframe and have also lowered the price-to-me considerably in spite of my accepting their previous quote. They have also mended his shaft lock (the weakest part of the lathe's design, in my opinion) to boot. So thank you everybody out there in Forumland who tried to help but I am more than pleased that I stuck with the big A and couldn't recommend their repair service highly enough.
Now I'm looking forward to turning some REALLY BIG, really pretty firewood again.
All the best

so happy for you  glad it done and fixed  and hell be back with you soon  :D

--- Quote from: BrianH on May 03, 2011, 09:42:28 AM ---I'm pleased to report that Monster's transplant was a success and his recovery complete. He, I am faithfully assured, is currently waiting at Axm bus station clutching a ticket for tomorrow's eastbound stagecoach. I can't praise the Axm team highly enough, they said it would take up to 3 months...and yes, that's a bugger!... but they have performed within that timeframe and have also lowered the price-to-me considerably in spite of my accepting their previous quote. They have also mended his shaft lock (the weakest part of the lathe's design, in my opinion) to boot. So thank you everybody out there in Forumland who tried to help but I am more than pleased that I stuck with the big A and couldn't recommend their repair service highly enough.
Now I'm looking forward to turning some REALLY BIG, really pretty firewood again.
All the best

--- End quote ---


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