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Selling your goods - Taking payment

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Bryan Milham:
There was a lengthy debate on the use of a Credit Card scanner or the use of PayPal. Well not wishing to reopen it I've started a new thread, having found this (iZettle) on the BBC News web-site.

It links out to the main website (link below) - a system of taking payments using your Android or i-Phone Pad Computer etc. The company takes 2.75% but doen't everyone(!)

Looks interesting and simpler to use, without all the monthly cost overheads of card readers.

Andy Coates:
That could be useful for lots of people. Thanks for posting.

Andy Coates:
Just had a look at the article on BBC news, then the website, and it all looks good.

I signed up for it to see what it's like and I was rejected...figured out the details are registered at home not the gallery...went back, re-did it all and it was accepted. Card reader in the post.

I'll let you know how it goes!

One slightly worrying thing...they check you out using "external sources" before accepting the application (only took a minute or so) with who and how are they able to do this? Makes you wonder what's available to these big companies!

Philip Greenwood:
Looks like a good way to take payments at fairs , or if you don't have card facilities in your shop.  If have a mobile signal that is.

The rates are good to say you don't have a monthly free.

David Buskell:
Having spent a bit of time researching chip'n'pin for the AWGB, I have to say this looks good. Only problem is as Phillip says, it's subject to having a signal.
The one good thing the card readers have in their favour is the GPS facility so you are always connected.

Must see if I can get iZettle for my phone. 2.75% is a reasonable rate for credit cards but normally the charge is only 30/40p for debit cards.
As always I guess we must make the commercial decision on which route is best.

Will be useful to have  customer reactions to the new system as well-hopefully those who now have iZettle will post some on here.


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