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thought i would let you all know

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Had a miss hap. Last week with a circular saw. I have lost the top off my middle finger. Had a lot of surgery on it could have been a lot worse off. Just be careful. You all i got a lot of time away from turning now any way tc all chat soon

Painful hope it heals up quickly I bet most of us on here have done the same I know I have but not quite lost anything hope to see you turning soon

Hi Pete,
           there is always a lesson to be learnt by your own or other people's accidents.At one time you couldn't call yourself a wood machinist unless you had bits missing! ::) When you get back to it, which I hope will not take too long, make some push sticks and more importantly, use them.
Get well soon
PS I talk from experience.


Pete, sorry to read of your accident, hope you're on the mend and up an working soon, accidents can happen so quickly, an too the best of us and at times be so silly done.

Cheers and too all take care.


I would like to thank you all for the kind messages means a lot to me doctors say ill be looking at a good few mouths before i can get back to any like driving or woodturning. I got to have hand phisyo to try and get the second joint moving again. It won't have as much movement as it did. As i made quit a mess of it. Any way looking forward to seeing all your work in the gallery to keep me going. Getting very down about it.

Any way you all keep safe


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