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Black paper

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I have been browsing through some overseas club websites and found one from Glendale in the USA. Whilst looking at some of their gallery items I noticed that some had inclusions of "black paper" and "fish paper" in them. Has anyone heard of this before? Is it ordinary black paper? and what is fish paper?

Hi John
Fish paper is a special paper used as an electrical insulator, often as a backing for mica. It is an american term. I've just spoken to one of our leadfing insulation engineers, who told me it is not a term used in this country.
That leads me to the obvious questions. How did the inclusions get there, and how were they identified ?

Tony Malin

Hi again John
Little grey cells kept niggling.
Can't find any meaningful reference to black paper. However bitumen is another substance which used to be widely usd as an insulator before the advent of synthetic resins.
My guess is that in this context it is paper coated or impregnated with bitumen.

Tony Malin

Hi yet again
The niggling carried on during lunch
Why "fish". I've discounted "scales". But for best insulating properties the paper should be as moisture proof as possible.
In the best engineering tradition when looking for a name for a new product try something with a connection.
So what's more waterproof than a fish? I'll bet the inventor had a dry sense of humour!!

Tony Malin

Hi Tony,
            sorry you have been so "hooked" on this :D I didn't mean to send you off in the wrong direction but think I may have. The black paper was put in deliberately to show a thin black line as a decoration but the fish paper has me baffled.
 But, I wouldn't have thought that ordinary black paper is suitable for laminating as it could split apart 'cos that's how we do some of our joints that need to seperate. Any Americans listening? do they term veneer as paper? and what is fish paper?
I did send an e-mail asking about it but as yet have had no reply.


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