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What would member like to talk about

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Philip Greenwood:
This is a topic asking any members what topics would you like to talk about on the forum.

In the last few day i have not seen as many new post and with 79 members on the forum i would welcome more member joining in.

Its so easy to start a new topic so why not have a go.

Look forward to replaying  and joining in with the new topics.



Hi Philip and everyone,  Very interesting topic to bring up, the forum has been picking up on membership after the site having to restart, but few post or reply..   ???...

Something that I've had thoughts about, need we look at the grass roots, at Club level,  we're in or attend a Club/Clubs in what ever we do, well lets hope most are in a Club,
the thing is, how many within a Club, have access to a computer, internet, first idea or interest as to access it, it's something to look into,  so lets ask, who has one, not every member can be without one, can they..   ??? ...  and there is a lot of members in the AWGB..  the News Letter carries the website, have they better things to do, not interested or on other forums, we've only so much time, I don't get on to all four every day or week even and some do voice this same question, too few post, I put up my hand to that.

We all turn alone in our workshops, so to be able to access a means of sharing, finding out what's happening and keep up to date with what's new, within the main forum of the AWGB, there's no better place.

So as Philip said, lets here from you, if your on and think you've nothing of interest to say, just Hi will do, lets hear from you,  may I Welcome anyone New or who are lurking..  "Come on In"   ;D...   no one bits..  well I don't, have your say..


Philip Greenwood:
Hi David

Thanks for the reply.

I had a article in Revolutions, this was saying to members you don't need a computer as you can find one in public libraries, or maybe friends or family will help.

I hope more people will join in and post in the topics having joined the forum, and we can encourage more members of the AWGB to come into the forum.



Hi Philip,  Yep, I'd seen what you'd placed in the Revolutions, it was to be hoped it should drum up more to join..   ??? ...
It's true there are means by which you can get on line, case as with John having his computer down, if Club members can share tools, DVD's, books, materials and information, it should be possible to have members round to share a computer or just see whats happening in the WWW.
The trip to a Library can be abit of a time comsumer, not the same as from your own armchair, I know that from when we had a delay in getting are broadband setup, but still needed to carry on with business, you get so many free hours when you join, which can soon run out and when it comes to paying..   :'( ...
The post has been viewed 48 times, we both have been on twice, would it make 44 others have just looked, go on comment please !!!!!!!

Well that's me finished..........         Been a llloonnnggg  day...              David

Andy Coates:
Ok, guilty. I've read it but not commented, but then I don't think it was aimed at me.

I should point out that the forum is not exclusive and we welcome turners who aren't AWGB members.

I think the "lack of a PC" argument is a red hearing. A quick look around any special interest (no NOT those ones!) forum will tell you that there are plenty of senior people with a PC, or access to one.

As for libraries...are there any left? And the problem with this approach is that you have to rush back to check for a reply, when one of the advantages of the internet is surely its immediacy.

I think it will take time to build on what existing members have already done here, but it will come, I'm sure.

The idea of a request bank of topics is a good one, and if anybody does eventually answer we should be all set to reply!


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