Author Topic: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please  (Read 30694 times)

Offline Katchin

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Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« on: March 10, 2011, 03:21:45 PM »
This is a duplicate post that I made on 'a certain other forum'  :o

I have been setting up my new bandsaw and it appears to be off-centre, i'm sure that i'm doing something wrong, but the instructions that came with it are terrible. After putting it all together, I noticed that the blade rubs against the centre plastic round on one side, and I cannot see how to centre it properly. I can move the guides, but not far enough to make a difference it seems, its as though the whole blade is 50mm offline, or the table is in the wrong place.
After setting up the saw I swapped the blade for one from tuffsaws, and had to change the angle of the top wheel slightly by using the adjuster at the back, which was fine, so the blade is centred on the wheel at the top ok. The upper guide assembly seems to be able to move somewhat, which makes the upper guides virtually useless as the whole assembly moves. The lower guide assembly seems to be too far over.

I did notice at the back of the lower wheel that there are four bolts, am I to move the whole lower wheel over a bit maybe?

here are a couple of photo's:-
John Simon Lawrenson

Andy Coates

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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Ple......ase
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2011, 04:34:51 PM »
The picture is out of focus, so it's hard to tell what's happening there, but it does look to be a way out...but 50mm?!!! That's almost on another bandsaw!

I would think the two bearing guides on the upper section are to blame...I can't believe that they'd fit them in the wrong place (but anything's possible)...

I can't see too clearly on any pic to be honest, so this is mostly assumption...

I take it the upper guides are bearings on a steel rod, and these are held with a set screw (allen key type doodad)?

If so, slacken them off, and then reset them so that they hold the blade in the correct position and tighten down but not so tight the blade binds.

Sorry this is a quick answer...I have to and get ready for a demo this evening...


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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2011, 04:51:59 PM »
Hi Katchin,
              looking at the pictures do you mean 5mm offline and not 50mm?
Just open the top door of the B/S and make sure that the top pulley is in the right place. Some makes (not sure about yours)allow the pulley to move slightly left and right before the tension is applied. This might be your problem, if not I would advise having a word with someone with a little bit of experience who can see your machine.Don't take any chances,in a fight between you and the machine the machine will always win!

Offline Katchin

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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2011, 08:26:22 PM »
yes sorry, i did mean 5mm, i'll check these ideas in the morning. The upper guide is on a bracket thing, that moves up and down, but its very loose.
John Simon Lawrenson

Offline Katchin

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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2011, 04:26:52 PM »
ok, i've had a good look. The top pulley is fixed, so that isn't the culprit.
The new picture i have posted here says it all really, it must be the guide assembly. Surely that is very wrong?

I have somewhat realligned it, the blade is no longer touching the plastic insert in the bench, but the upper guide still looks very wrong, and moves a  lot. Also there is no real power to the blade, if I add tension to it at all, then it wont spin, the drive wheel just spins. The rubber band from the drive wheel, to the main lower wheel is rather loose.
John Simon Lawrenson

Offline Philip Greenwood

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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2011, 06:23:04 PM »
Hi Katchin

I can see from this photo that something is wrong, is the blade running correctly in the lower guide bearings, ie have you check the blade is running between the 2 bearings.

Second have you adjusted the lower guides as well as the top ones. All the bearing top and bottom needs to be moved away from the blade by at least 5mm then you need to adjust the blade tension, after this you need to adjust the guide bearings so there only just touch the blade, do this for the 4 side bearings, then adjust the back thrust bearings to just touching the blade.

The upper guide assemble will rise and fall to accommodate the thickness of wood being cut, but will be able to be lock at the set height if not lock this will move.

I am sure other will give advice as well.



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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2011, 06:40:53 PM »
Hi Katchin.
              What I suggest is this.With the blade removed temporarily remove the guide assembly,this is probably held on with 2 6mm bolts or cap screws and fixed to the aluminium blade guard. If your machine is 2 speed, choose which speed you want it on (I normally leave mine on fast).Clean the drive belt pulley and position the belt.Tension the belt,once tensioned, you should be able to give it about a quarter twist between finger and thumb, this should indicate the correct tension. Replace the blade and tension it as normal and see where in relation to the bed the blade ends up. Remember that the blade should run on the crown of the wheel.
 If it is still too far to the left try tweaking the position of the bed. Once you are happy drop the blade guard down and run up the machine, once the blade is running true reposition the blade guides. Fit the guard with all the bearings positioned away from the blade. Move the thrust bearing, the one behind the blade, until it is no more than 1mm away from the back of the blade. This is there to stop you stressing the blade during a cut,if you are constantly rubbing it during use your blade may need a sharpen. Next adjust the guide bearings, 1 either side of the blade. They should just be off touching the blade and should be positioned behind the tooth gullet.
I hope this helps, watch you fingers and don't sue me if it doesn't work.


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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2011, 06:45:02 PM »
Katchin, Philip made a good point which I forgot but is very important, make sure the bottom guides are set correctly as they could influence the blade aswell.

Offline Katchin

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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2011, 11:17:44 PM »
i think they are ok, picture 4 from my original post is of the bottom guides. Having never used a bandsaw before its a little difficult to be sure if it is correct or not.
John Simon Lawrenson

Offline Philip Greenwood

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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2011, 11:33:01 PM »

Did you get your bandsaw local or by mail order.  If local i would contact them and tell them the problem, a photo would help show your problem, if by mail oder send them the photos with the information that you have told us.

The other way is to contact Fox, the number should be on the Manual.


Offline Katchin

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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2011, 11:40:59 PM »
I got it from Poolewood, its probably a fault with me rather than the saw, wouldn't be the first time  ::)
John Simon Lawrenson

Offline Philip Greenwood

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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2011, 11:47:32 PM »
Have you tried what John and i have said about setting up the bandsaw, all bandsaws need to set up before using.

Or give Poolewood a phone.


Offline Katchin

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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2011, 12:53:54 AM »
yes I have been trying it, although just now I didn't dare turn it on as its after midnight  ;D

I think a lot of the problem is with the top screw in this picture, its just turning without really gripping, and it would seem that just those two screws are holding the whole upper assembly in place. I don't really see how it could ever be firm with just two screws holding it in the middle, it would always be able to move side to side on the screws a little surely?
John Simon Lawrenson

Andy Coates

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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2011, 09:20:06 AM »
Are you in a woodturning club, Katchin? If not, where abouts are you? There may be somebody that would be willing to come and take a look for you. Bandsaws have been known to have a nasty attitude, so it would be better to KNOW it was set up correctly.

Offline Katchin

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Re: Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2011, 09:31:47 AM »
I'm in the Red Rose woodturning club, which unfortunately does not have a forum. It next meets on 20th March, cant say I really know anyone there yet however, as only recently joined. I live in Lancaster.
John Simon Lawrenson