Author Topic: 'Selling a crack'  (Read 4637 times)

Offline Haggy

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'Selling a crack'
« on: April 14, 2013, 08:11:53 AM »
It was great to read dr4Onfly's post on the above and receive his help in using this website, I would love to give his idea ago with some of my art students.
 I have been playing with mica powder and CA glue for a while with some success at filling small cracks in wood.  The kids love it because it provides a bit of sparkle and polishes up beautifully.  Cracks can be off putting, but they cheer up when they see how this can benefit their work and make it unique.
Do any members have any experience with mixing mica powders and epxoy resins to use as a filler paste?
dr40nly says some members have experience using epoxy resins as a filler and may offer some advice?  Any help would be great-if not no worries, I will carry on experimenting.
     Thank you


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Re: 'Selling a crack'
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2013, 12:31:28 PM »
I still have a few items I made some 15 years ago using epoxy resin and coal dust, colored crushed stone, brass powder and many others and they have stood the test of time here are a few examples the square bowl I made last year and it had a big crack whoch was filled with coal dust and supper glue
each one was sanded to 600 grit before filling so they needed very little work after the resin had dried

Offline Haggy

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Re: 'Selling a crack'
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2013, 01:33:46 PM »
Wow, thank you.  Love the detail on your work.  Would never of thought of using coal dust!  When I think about it why not?  It is a mineral, hard and I can see it polishes up well-must give that a go.
You say you finished your work down to 600 grit, did you seal your work  first, before filling ?  My guess is you did, but I may be wrong.
I have just tried mixing epoxy resin and mica powder and like you have discovered, it works.  What I find exciting about mica are the vibrant colours.  I plan on making some turned  bangles with my students, possibly segmented.  I hope to use mica to embellish their work.  I think they will love decorating it like your feature ring and then polishing it to a shine.
Do you mind if I show them your pics?  What a shame you can't show it to them and talk about it-inspirational!
   Thanks Woody


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Re: 'Selling a crack'
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2013, 02:31:33 PM »
Yes I did seal it before filling and again after and please feel free to use the photos I dont turn nor teach any more ill health has put a stop to that

Offline Haggy

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Re: 'Selling a crack'
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2013, 03:13:59 PM »
What a shame ill health has got the better of you, you must smile at some of our antics-having been there and done it.

Appreciate the help  Hags


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Re: 'Selling a crack'
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2013, 07:10:07 PM »
I had to look twice at your subject line ;D

Offline Bryan Milham

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Re: 'Selling a crack'
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2013, 07:14:52 PM »
I had to look twice at your subject line ;D

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