Author Topic: Regional AWGB Reps  (Read 2452 times)

Offline Bryan Milham

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Regional AWGB Reps
« on: April 19, 2013, 09:25:01 AM »
Last night at my club, following the AGM we had a talk by the areas AWGB Reperesentitve. I our case John (BHT).

He used a silde show to explain what the AWGB is all about, how it works, for us the members, what it provides to us by way of opertunities for training and other methods of advancement.

Why the AWGB has become a Limited Company and taken the next step to a Charitable status, and the opertunities that will open up to us because of that development.

Why and How the Development fund is funded and used, including the great works being done to introduce wood turning to as many of the younger members of the population as possible though the Youth Training Scheme.

There was also an opertunity to ask all those questions you've been harbouring and wanting to know the answer to.

Why am I posting this?  The reps don't call in on your club uninvited, so next time you have a hands-on evening or time available in an evening, I'd suggest that a visit from your local rep is well worthwhile.
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Re: Regional AWGB Reps
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2013, 11:41:35 AM »
Thanks for this Bryan,
                              it was good to meet you again and the members of Bristol & Avon WTC and some of the others who get on this forum.
I'm glad you considered my visit worthwhile.
John BHT

Offline yew turn

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Re: Regional AWGB Reps
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2013, 01:48:46 PM »
Hi John I would also like to say thanks for your presentation last night, like Bryan I also reccommend other clubs to invite  there regional AWGB rep to there club.
Nice to have met you John & I look forward to catching up with you when you come to do your demo at our club.