Author Topic: Pren  (Read 4434 times)

Offline Les Symonds

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« on: February 21, 2015, 05:34:36 PM »
I haven't posted much in the gallery lately, and there's a good reason for it. My wife, Sally, and I have both worked in special needs education for a little over 21 years, but a fairly dramatic assault last June, by one of our more troubled youngsters, left me out of work for several months with a recommendation by my GP that I never return to work with that degree of risk. So I finally got released from my contract 4 weeks ago and my wife resigned and finished last week.

We are going to develop my woodturning paying-hobby into a small business to see us through the final three years of my working life. I will continue to supply a few galleries that each take several of my pieces, but I'll probably stop selling through shops. meanwhile, we're taking out a 3-year lease on a small, lock-up shop in Bala, which we shall call 'Pren' (Welsh for 'Wood'). The shop window and main display will be my work, but we'll also stock a small amount of oak furniture and some craft-work made by a few friends of ours.

So, for the last few weeks I've been  batch-making bowls etc, working on the basic turning of a batch, then swapping the chucks over and doing the reversing, then swapping again and doing the polishing, in the hope that this approach will cut down my production time. Stuff is finally getting finished and packed away ready for the opening, on 30th March, which we hope will catch the first main cohort of tourists to hit the town in time for Easter.

Exciting times ahead, and I'll start posting pics of some of my work in a few days.

Education is important, but wood turning is importanter.

Offline Dave Brookes

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Re: Pren
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2015, 06:09:31 PM »
All the very best for your venture.  Why is it that those who do untold good for people less fortunate end up with all the s*** to contend with.  If I'm ever in Bala I will be sure to call in to the shop.

"Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and six pence, result happiness."  (Wilkins Micawber)

Offline bodrighywood

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Re: Pren
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2015, 06:23:09 PM »
Rooting for you both Les, it won't be easy but no doubt much more enjoyable. Look forward to seeing it if it's set up by June.

Turners don't make mistakes, they have design opportunities

Offline John D Smith

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Re: Pren
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2015, 06:23:57 PM »
Hello Les,
             I would like to wish you every success in you and your wife's new venture it is a shame your work had to finish this way they say every cloud has a silver lining so lets hope this one has. I will call in and see you if I am ever up your neck of the woods.

                                                   Regards John
John Smith

Offline Bryan Milham

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Re: Pren
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2015, 06:58:51 PM »

we've all been waiting for you to take this step, you have the skills, vision and ability. Wishing you well in there next life adventure.

Oh Lord, Lead me not into temptation…

...Oh who am I kidding, follow me, I know a shortcut!

Offline TWiG

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Re: Pren
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2015, 07:07:16 PM »
Sorry to hear about your troubles Les , but they say every cloud has a silver lining ( usually rain in my experience !! ) I wish you well in your venture and I have been to Bala a few times in the past and if I am up that way again I will definately look you up .  Going from a hobby turner to a production turner I am sure will take away some of the pleasure, having to justify time spent etc , and a bit reluctant to experiment , maybe just sticking with things that you are sure will sell , however time in the shed is quality time !! It will also be good getting direct customer feedback , unlike having stuff in galleries elsewhere .  Good luck and I hope it makes you happy if not rich !!   Terry..  

Offline Graham

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Re: Pren
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2015, 07:37:01 PM »
Exciting times indeed. I wish you all the best and a lot of fun for the coming years.
I have learnt the first rule of woodturning.
The internal diameter should never exceed the external width.
Nor the internal depth, the external height.
Does that make me an expert now ?

Offline georg

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Re: Pren
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2015, 07:44:33 PM »

  Good Luck Les.... hope every thing works out well for you both in your new venture.
  Next time we are in your area we will pop in and say hello
     Best Wishes T & D
"If you always do what you always done, you always get what you always got"

Offline malcy

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Re: Pren
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2015, 07:46:11 PM »
Here's wishing you and your wife all the best in this new venture. I'm sure it's an exciting, yet nervous time and I hope the tourists come and buy from you. Best wishes and I'll call and see you when I'm up that way. Malcolm.

Offline seventhdevil

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Re: Pren
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2015, 08:49:19 PM »
sorry to hear of the reason but, go for it fella...

good luck

Offline edbanger

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Re: Pren
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2015, 09:04:25 PM »
Les we sometimes need  a push in life to make the change, something that happen to me over 27 years ago set me on the path to open my 1st company I now have three, if you ever need any advice on the business front please feel free to contact me I've learnt a lot setting up three company's and probably made all the mistakes in the book.

From what I've seen of your work to date I don't think that you will have many problems selling it.

Good luck with the new venture & hope that it all goes well  :)


Offline The Bowler Hatted Turner

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Re: Pren
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2015, 09:25:30 PM »
Les I wish you all the luck in the world. Don't go listening to ole Twig " Going from a hobby turner to a production turner I am sure will take away some of the pleasure," because I did this a few years ago and I still can't wait to go to work in the mornings. No more stress has to be a good thing, the education business is stressful enough let alone adding in the special needs bit. After 21 years I think you deserve a bit of the good life. Best of luck.

Offline Mark Sanger

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Re: Pren
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2015, 07:48:13 PM »
All the best with your venture Les.  I hope one day I can come up and visit as we love Wales. All the best.