Author Topic: Just an idea I`m musing over.  (Read 2027 times)

Offline Eric Harvey

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Just an idea I`m musing over.
« on: February 07, 2016, 03:52:27 PM »
Everytime I go down the garden to my workshop I look at a big hunk of Cherry tree,it keeps becconing to me,its a crotch piece that had 4-5 branches coming off it and its an odd taper where the chap cut it down for my daughter,ignoring the cut lines I`d left on the tree,as he said to my daughter,who would want them that shape,which would have been great for bowls with the branch stubs sticking out in 3-4 directions,so now I have the problem of mounting a 60-70 pound piece of trunk on my lathe,I think it`ll have to go on my faceplate at one end and onto the tailstock the other till a chucking point is turned onto it for safeties sake,then reverse it and use my big hollowing tool to excavate some of the middle out leaving a cone shaped piece to snap off once the weight is lessened,while the tailstock livecentre is stll in place,then finnish off the hollowing,I think I`ll need to adapt something to make the tool longer to or make a boring bar out of an old weights bar I have sitting about looking to be usefull,I think I`d have to grind the end of it to fit my double length sovereign handle,then I`d have the length to hollow down the twenty or so inches the trunk section is.I think the most awkward bit of the process will be actually lifting up to thread the faceplate onto the nosethread of the spindle,"thinks", I`ll have to commission help of son to do that,anyway muse over,you can probably tell I`m a bit bored today haha,cheers,

welcome to my woodturning world

Offline burywoodturners

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Re: Just an idea I`m musing over.
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2016, 05:18:40 PM »
Makes a change from making spider webs Eric!
Bring it to the club Monday we can all chip in some ideas

Offline seventhdevil

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Re: Just an idea I`m musing over.
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2016, 05:46:29 PM »
face plate is the way to go eric, you do have the same lathe as me don't you? 3520b? the biggest bit i've put on it to date was a 150lb bit of walnut at 7"x30".

keep it slow if the weight is not centered mate. can't wait to see the results.