Author Topic: New Chairman  (Read 6062 times)

Offline Les Symonds

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2017, 10:17:26 PM »
...Being able to attend the AGM's etc is not really an option for many of us for a number of reasons and if that is the only place where we can voice opinions etc then we are in trouble as it will just be the same few people in charge of everything.


....well said, Pete.
Education is important, but wood turning is importanter.

Offline Paul Hannaby

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2017, 10:51:59 PM »
I'm not sure why you think anyone is trying to suppress your views or opinions. If you want to exercise your right as a member, nobody is going to stop you and I'm more than happy to discuss any concerns anyone has in person if they want to call me. Sadly it often is "the same few people" because often we struggle to find others willing to devote their spare time.

Regarding the AGM, we have adopted a new approach where instead of it being held in the same place every year, it will be moved to allow those who aren't able to travel far to at least attend the occasional AGM when it is in their area, even if they don't go every year. The last one was held in Staffordshire, the next one is I think in Cambridgeshire and the one after that will probably be somewhere in the south west but I'm not sure we have booked a venue for 2019 yet. Also, don't forget all members are able to vote on AGM matters with a proxy vote even if they don't attend.

 Regarding "stifling free speech", I have tried to uphold the rules of this forum and have only intervened when I felt breaches were evident. As I have pointed out before, there are moderation logs which show any instances where any moderator or administrator intervenes. No moderator on this forum would delete or modify a post purely because they didn't agree with someone's opinion.

I am painfully aware that as the new chairman from Jan 1st I will be answerable to the other trustees and the members of the AWGB. If anyone has any complaints about what I do as chairman, I hope they will tell me! I don't claim to be perfect or to have all the answers in what will be a new role to me but I intend to carry out my duties to the best of my ability, hopefully for the benefit of an organisation I am passionate about.

I'm not sure what else I can add here but as I said, I'm happy to discuss any specific questions. My phone number is on the AWGB website.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2017, 10:56:43 PM by Paul Hannaby »

Offline Wood spinner

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2017, 03:46:58 AM »
How about we give Paul a chance , I am sure he will be given advice from former top position management and that they will be at the end on a phone should anything crop up .

I am commodore, director and treasurer of a boat club , and entering my 3rd year covering these positions , At times trying to keep 150 members happy is like trying to push water up hill with a broom , its never going to happen ,
Not sure how many members the AWGB has ?
I admire someone with the commitment and dedication to take on a role like this .
I encourage dialogue from my members , If they have a issue the are asked to come and see me personally , I am also available by email text and  phone  . I have also noticed during my time as Commodore that most of the members who have issues when asked to stand for any position on the clubs committee decline , sometimes saying very rude things " Why the F would I want to do that " etc , Highly critical but not willing to help manage and run the Club , Personally I am looking forward to next December when I can stand down after my 3 year term.

Final comment from me " Paul I wish you well in this challenging roll , Make us proud please "

Offline The Bowler Hatted Turner

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2017, 09:12:51 AM »
As a former trustee and committee member of the AWGB I have to say that I am very pleased that Paul's hard work over the past umpteen years has been recognised. I do not wish to be rude to any other trustee but Paul is the best person to take over out the whole committee. He has worked in so many of the roles that the AWGB need to fill to keep going and so his experience gained will be useful in the running of the organisation.
The way he became chairman is a recognised method throughout the country in many different organisations. You form a committee and they then decide who the chairman of that committee will be.
George, Les and Pete I am dissapointed with your comments, for crying out loud give the man achance, he hasn't even taken up his post yet and you are having a pop at him. Dave Atkinson will be a hard act to follow but I feel that Paul is our best bet.
Paul I think I haveserved under 4 previous chairmen in some capacity or other, you have my full support.
As Chairman of the RPT I look forward to maintaining the close ties of our two organisations.

Offline Mark Hancock

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2017, 09:25:25 AM »
I view this forum everyday but don't post that often. Having read the above it made me angry enough to post!

If everyone had read all the information delivered and posted by the AWGB before commenting it would have answered all the earlier posts.

As a former Trustee and Treasurer of a Guild I'd like to echo Wood Spinner's experiences. There are always a few members of any group that volunteer their time and energy freely to run that club/guild/organisation whilst the rest accept the benefits of their efforts. When a request goes out to the membership for help few hands are raised. I've seen this also in virtually every woodturning club I've visited.

Paul has served the AWGB for more years than I can remember, I can recall as Web Master and Membership Secretary, as well as running his own business. He certainly has my support. He is more than capable of being Chairman and I would like to congratulate him (if that is the right word :-) ) on his new role and wish him every success.

Offline Dave Atkinson

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2017, 09:40:59 AM »
As the retiring Chairman I have read this post with interest and frankly I am concerned and disappointed with some of the views expressed by George, Les and Pete.  I would like to make some comments and hopefully correct some of the mis-understandings.

Firstly there has not been any falling out, and there wasn't when Andy stood down.  I am self employed and my work means I leave home on Sunday and come on Fridays for around 40 weeks of the year.  I teach Project Management to a range of industry sectors so I work all over the UK and sometimes overseas.  Lately the structure of my work has changed and now involves travelling after work midweek to another location.  Coupled with trying to get and deliver business in this challenging climate I have finally "run out of steam".  I had to choose between my work, family and AWGB, one had to go and that was AWGB.  Sam, my very able Vice Chairman, had his arm twisted by Reg Hawthorne in 2012 to take the role of secretary and I twisted it again 2 years ago to ask him to stay as my VC.  He agreed with the proviso that when I went he went too.

Now let's get on to this democracy business.  I have been a member since 2005 and on the committee since 2009 and the only vote we have ever had was in 2012 when we asked the membership whether we should become a Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee.    Anyone who has stood for the committee/Trustee position has been elected unopposed because no-one volunteers!  Back in 2011 Adrian indicated his intention to stand down as Treasurer in 2012 and not one single member from the 3500 stepped up!  Which is why I stepped in at the 11th hour and took the role.  Since then we have appealed for volunteers, and thankfully some of the newer members have stepped up to the plate.  If more people volunteered then we may have an election!

We continually ask for ideas about what the membership would like the Trustees to do and I have yet to have a single suggestion in my inbox. 

Then we come to the "why didn't I get a vote on who is chairman?" question.  The Articles of Association are quite clear - the officers are elected by the Trustees and the Trustees elect the Executive President. 

And then we come to free speech.  This really is nonsense.  I have worked with Paul for many years and I have read many complaints about posts on this forum.  Some were justified, some weren't and Paul has to make a judgement call.  Sometimes I get involved.    Maybe wrong decisions have been made but then we are all human and I defy any contributor to this thread to say, honestly, they have never upset anyone by something they have said or done in the past.  I can't! 

Any member is free to contact any Trustee about any matter whatsoever. 

I would hope any past difficulties could be put behind us and we can move on. 

And before I finish I would like to tell you just how much work is involved running this organisation.  As Treasurer I kept a record for the first 3 months of my final year in office and it turned out that I spent an average of 1 hour per day on AWGB business.  As Chairman, it is a little less but still considerable.  Paul must put in a similar amount of time in maintaining the website, setting up the new website, managing the coordination of our data, setting up emails and helping out all of us who get stuck with the IT systems.  I've never been a rep but I know they devote swathes of time attending shows and working with the clubs.  Membership also takes up a huge amount of time especially at this time of year. 

When we became a Charity things changed and the committee became trustees and directors of the Company.  Additionally I set up a Trading Company (required by Charity/HMRC rules) and myself and the Treasurer are Directors of that company as well - Paul will take over from me there too.  We now have legal responsibilities which we take very seriously.

So in conclusion, I hope you, along with all the other members will give Paul the support he rightly deserves along with Russell his Vice Chairman.  Without the efforts of Paul and the other Trustees there wouldn't be an AWGB - if you want things to be different then write to the trustees or better still volunteer to take a role and stand for election when positions become vacant.

Happy Christmas and New Year to you all

Chairman for a few more days yet!

Offline georg

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2017, 11:20:08 AM »
  Many Congratulations on your Appointment Paul..... It must take up even more of you leisure time now along with
  your commitment to your local club.... both of which being purely voluntary.
  Big Well Done
  Regards Tony Di
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 12:40:44 PM by georg »
"If you always do what you always done, you always get what you always got"

Offline David Buskell

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2017, 12:29:02 PM »
In view of the comments about democracy etc., it might be worth looking at the pre-Charity constitution as I think that provided for the officers to be appointed at the AGM by the members.

I'm happy to be corrected if that was not the case!

At The Cutting Edge

Offline Dave Atkinson

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2017, 01:19:20 PM »
David is correct.  Before the Charity officers were nominated and seconded and appointed at the AGM.  So in theory members got a vote, but to my knowledge (since 2005) we have never had more than one person competing for a post and therefore we have not had a vote.  The Articles of Association state the officers are elected by the Trustees.  Trustees are elected by the membership.

It is also worth mentioning that we don't vote at the AGM other than to agree the format of the meeting and appoint the auditors.  If there are any resolutions then votes must be made and counted prior to the AGM.  If there hasn't been any need for a vote because we only have one nomination then the person is elected unopposed.

Prior to the AGM we always have a meeting for Branch representatives, and any members who wish to attend.  During this forum those present can raise any matters for discussion.

Cheers Dave

Offline burywoodturners

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2017, 04:01:58 PM »
I am not sure where I stand on this one. Having been a trustee/committee member for several clubs and charities in the past, if I were faced with the sudden resignation of a senior official, I would find a replacement from the trustees / committee. Paul has done the right thing in announcing it by emailing club secretaries.

From some of the replies though, I get the impression that all is not well with the AWGB, with some negative comments. I have not attended the AGM as I live on the wrong side of the country for that, and I suspect that is true for many club officials.

This makes it difficult to voice an opinion, and it is not easy to see how we could do this differently, a postal vote maybe one answer.

If the AWGB is like any other club I have been involved with, they will struggle to get sufficient trustees any way, and this is where things can be changed, if you can see a way to run the AWGB better, stand for election next AGM.

Dave cites not being able to run both a business and an organisation as big as the AWGB, and I can fully understand that, so maybe we need to find a way to share the load better.

Ron Davis
Bury St Edmunds Woodturning Club

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2017, 04:42:00 PM »
Firstly I am not having a pop at Paul .
I have met Paul on many ocasions and found him to be very amiable and likable I have booked him for an evening demo next year for our Woodturning club after having him Demo for us once before.
I would not do this if I disliked him.
I apreciate that Paul has worked hard for the AWGB for many years but I have concernes because on many ocasions over the years when there has been a lively discusion going Paul has blocked it much to the annoyance of a lot of members.
I have felt that Paul has been very dictatorial when Moderating this Forum I have made no secrete of my feelings and make no apolagy for them.
I wish Paul all the best and for all of pour sakes I hope he does a good job

Regards George

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Offline John D Smith

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Re: New Chairman
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2017, 08:48:31 PM »
 Well I have read through the comments on this thread several times over and I find myself agreeing with the comments From Dave

 Atkinson, John (BHT) Mark Hancock,David Buskell, Georg & Di, Wood spinner and Paul Himself and everyone is entitled to their opinion

  But as an Organisation we should abide by the Constitution of the AWGB if this was not the case you would have something to complain about.

 So throw away your Wooden Spoons and GIVE PAUL YOUR SUPPORT he deserve at least that his appointment as Chairman starts 1st January 2018.

                                     Regards John
John Smith