Author Topic: What chuck and what jaws  (Read 5911 times)

Offline bodrighywood

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Re: What chuck and what jaws
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2018, 09:34:47 AM »
I have just read your piece bodrighywood and  i have to say i always thought that this forum was a gift to newbes the playing field were level and in there own way everyone has a chance to comment at all levels of this debate no matter how long they have been turning i think the newbie picks up a lot of information some good some not so good
Kind of sorting the chaff from the wheat i think it's called gathering experience

Totally agree, just surprised that the obvious (to me at least) answer hadn't been mooted. Technical solutions such as re-threading are something that I would never have thought of personally but then I don't have an engineering background. As a professional turner and a dedicated skinflint I always look for the easiest and cheapest solution.

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Offline Sandy

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Re: What chuck and what jaws
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2018, 09:35:13 AM »
Hi Mike

I agree with what Bodrighywood has said.

The only time I've heard of the concerns you mentioned:  'something I was told to avoid since the extra length acts as a lever and increases the strain on the spindle and bearings" related to having a long, weighty piece of timber held in chuck jaws, especially the wrong type of jaws and without tailstock support.

What I neglected to say in previous post is that a chuck, faceplate or insert/exert adaptor should 'mate' with the shoulder of the lathe spindle directly behind the threaded section to ensure true concentricity and alignment.  Whatever you thread onto your lathe spindle needs to 'mate' with this shoulder.  So as you have an Axminster chuck I'd check what Axminster offer or suggest.

I don't know the exact question you asked their tech dept but I'd have thought they would've at least mentioned an adaptor as an option as well as telling you that changing the backplate was not an option.

I've attached an image which shows the shoulder of the lathe spindle that the chuck, faceplate or adaptor that you screw on needs to 'mate' against.

Hope this helps.

Offline Redtails4

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Re: What chuck and what jaws
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2018, 10:41:07 AM »
Pete that is how we all learn we as humans do not know every thing it's a simple exchange of ideas if the politicians had there own forum run along the lines of this one there would be no more wars, but they have there heads so far up there own back sides esp that gent in

Offline Bryan Milham

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Re: What chuck and what jaws
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2018, 10:42:34 AM »
There are a couple of places that do thread adaptors, Charnwood is the cheapest I've found, will anything here help you?
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Offline Sandy

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Re: What chuck and what jaws
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2018, 10:47:01 AM »
Hi Redtails,
I said I'd be interested in what more experienced turners thought partly to 'validate' my suggestion of using a chuck adaptor to Mike as no-one had suggested using one, even Axminster, as it's a low cost (and simple!) option.  I was interested why it hadn't been suggested before within Mike's thread.

But then Bodrighywood posted this morning confirming my suggestion. 

Hi Seventhdevil
Don't see where number of years turning negates using 'old' chucks if they're still functioning.

Anyway Mike,
I'd bought one for my first Nova chuck a good few years ago and I'm still using that chuck with no problems. I'd go down this route.  But check with whichever manufacturer of adaptor you get they confirm it's suitable for use with your Axminster lathe spindle spec (regards spindle shoulder). Which is why I said to Axminster as a first port of call.  I think Axminster state that a M33 x 3.5 adaptor for a Jet lat

Offline Mike313

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Re: What chuck and what jaws
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2018, 10:55:30 AM »
Once again many thanks, folks, for giving me the benefit of your experiences. I am going to follow up on the suggestions and links provided. :)

Offline seventhdevil

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Re: What chuck and what jaws
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2018, 02:25:35 PM »

Hi Seventhdevil
Don't see where number of years turning negates using 'old' chucks if they're still functioning.

it's a fair point and i guess it's down to personal preference and circumstances.

when i bought my Jet 3520B i got a good deal on a few chucks as i'd bought the shop floor model (you got 5% off) and saw no reason to keep my old chucks as it was surplus to requirements. since then i've merely expanded my set of chucks (all axminster K10 or goliath) as they are just what i need for my lathe.

they go fairly cheaply on ebay but i think i have enough at the moment as i've about 6 or 7 in total all with different jaws on.

Offline Sandy

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Re: What chuck and what jaws
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2018, 05:19:13 PM »
Hi Mike,

Just to finish the last point in my post as my laptop battery died on me then I had to go out.

I recalled something about not all M33 x 3.5 specs being the same, in that Axminster used to state in their catalogue (maybe still do state) that a M33 x 3.5 adaptor for different makes of lathes have slightly different, distinct reference codes.

This underlines needing to ensure you do obtain a compatible adaptor for the make of lathe (to mate against the splndle shoulder) and not simply order against thread size.

Just had a look on Axminster website and scanned through some info, link here:

Offline Mike313

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Re: What chuck and what jaws
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2018, 08:14:26 PM »
You are quite right, Sandy. I spotted that earlier. I'm not sure what the differences are, but there ARE differences apparently  :)