Author Topic: Revamped Website  (Read 4334 times)


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Revamped Website
« on: July 12, 2012, 04:45:23 PM »
I have spent quite a bit of time revamping my website and would appreciate any comments re it’s workings, so that I can improve it where necessary. Do take a browse and let me have your thoughts.
Thanks in advance. Keep those lathes a spinning and have fun,
Cheers, John

Offline Bryan Milham

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Re: Revamped Website
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2012, 07:34:44 PM »

sorry I don't think I've ever visited your site before - thanks for directing me to it.

As for thoughts;

Home & Shop - 2" Rod - you have a font size error in the 'for non UK postal rates.' message.
FAQ3 page - the link to Craft Supplies is broken - I get a 404 message - not checked all your other links though.

Otherwise I find it quite easy to navigate and fast to respond, not so common a problem these days but a slow loading page has always been a goodbye to most people.
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Offline woodndesign

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Re: Revamped Website
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2012, 12:43:27 AM »

John, bro ...  what can I say " It's all screwed up " NO, NO ..    ;D .. as with Bryan .. dr4g.. Craft Supplies not working .. also having gone to Unichasers... 3/8 Gouge reads non UK twice, if add 1st one to cart, it comes up as thin part tool ... the thin part tool UK comes up as 3/8 combi tool ...  1/4 combi tool UK comes up as 3/8 combi ...    :o ... others work ok .. 2" & 1 1/2" rods & Pen blanks the carts work fine ..  NOW ..  how do I clear £ 500+ from my cart ...    ;D ...

Video works ... Screwples all correct, but 9 UK comes up as 1 1/2 x 6 cast pol .. The NTSC link works to Karl, on that note any date on when your new release is due, I await the Post ...    ;D ..  Most also contact Karl as you cannot read his Clients list, yellow on yellow, then that maybe is the plan.

Don't think I've miss having a poke round at most of the site, looks good, you've done well, will check back later.

Cheers for now,       David

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,"  By Dickens ''''

Dave Wilcox

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Re: Revamped Website
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2012, 06:24:56 AM »
Hi John
I haven't tried all the links as they have been mentioned above. The thing that struck me is a colour clash, it may be me but it lacks that smoothness. I see you have used Serif Webplus, a quirky program but I use it all the time  ;) It might pay to try using one of the pre-designed colour schemes to start with as these usually, not always, seem to work together. As you progress you can then tweak the colours to suit your needs. Always use the adage "Less is more", works for me anyway. Otherwise a great effort. Contrary to popular belief good web design is not easy, and like most things needs to be worked at.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 06:29:31 AM by Dave Wilcox »

Dave Wilcox

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Re: Revamped Website
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2012, 06:29:14 AM »
I have added your new link to the Norwich Woodturners Toolbar for you.


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Re: Revamped Website
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2012, 07:17:25 PM »
Hello John,
               I have clicked all along the top line, I think you have a very good website there,I particularly like your stated hours for tuition as not many people state this.
I like it.
John BHT


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Re: Revamped Website
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2012, 11:11:27 AM »
Morning all,
Very many thanks dr4g0nfly, David, Dave and John for all your trouble, and for finding a good few blips, which I have now corrected. It is so easy to miss these, or at least I find it easy. Many eyes help a lot. Sorry it has taken me a while to respond.

David, I have no idea yet when my DVD will be out. From what Karl said when we did it, it will not be until next year, so I have forgotten about it ‘til I hear from Karl that it is imminent. By all means ask him together with your other question, though I too feel sure your supposition is on the ball.

Dave, I started out with a template from Serif – I like their programs, which I seem to get along with – and their colours, but added my own variations. As you have seen I have little taste in the niceties of web design, but I tried to make it clear and explicit.
Thanks for adding me to your toolbar. I have added a link to your site in return as it can do no harm.

John, thanks for looking and pleased you liked it. As for tuition, I find it best to be up front about it. Nothing to hide – in fact nowhere to hide it!!

Again, thanks for all the help,
Happy turning, have fun,
Cheers, John.