General Category > General Discussion

Dear Santa

<< < (2/4) > >>

The gift of promotion. How and where to sell LOL.



Oh Pete,  now that's a good one. 

Cheers   David

Bryan Milham:
Pete, I also agree.

Although I've done very well by my standards this year, I am hoping to increase my sales base over the next year or two. So promotion sounds good.

Maybe a website (but I need a new camera lens first!)

I wanted the new Axminster evolution chuck but there is a long waiting list on them so it has to be the versa chuck with axy  jaw carriers  I did have plenty of chucks in my old workshop but we downsized and my new workshop is half the size of what I had but may I add a lot warmer so I had to sell three of my lather and only two of the chucks fit the lathe I kept  

Strongly suspect that Santa will bring a Hope Pro Sander  :)


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