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How Kind was Santa?

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I love that hat i really got to get one

Dont be a spoilsport, wear it for work :-)

Bryan Milham:
I'm wondering if one will go over my Power Cap respirator, make a change not looking like Darth Vader!

Doug Barratt:
 :D :D I wore it today when I visited an elderly mate, he laughed so hard I was worried he`d have a heart attack  :o

At least it cheered him up.




--- Quote from: thebowlerhattedturner on December 26, 2012, 07:08:58 PM ---I got what every woodturner wants................. a promise of a trip to Yandles

--- End quote ---

Wouldn't mind this trip myself, but it is quite a run from W, Yorks ...  :(


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