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Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please

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anyone had experience with a Elektra Beckum BAS315

Auction ends in 6 hours, but it just happens to be local to me.

Andy Coates:
I had for one for ages, and it served me well.

The main thing to look out for is that the top guides are intact, although spares are available through metabo.

Ohhhhh....just looked at the price. Forget it. Too, too expensive for a second hand one. I'd expect to pay 100-150 max.

Another odd thing...the cut depth should be about 7 1/4" not 4"...Odd that. May mean a faulty guide bracket.

Andy Coates:
I've had one of these as well...same spec as the EB315...same things to look out for...

Another to look out for...My father in law has this one and it has served him well for years...

And the newer Metabo version of the EB315/6/7

And I use this one every day...and It's not a million miles from you...

ok, thanks, much appreciated. Its very difficult to tell whats what these days as a lot of them are the same thing, but with minor differences.

Dave Atkinson:
Hi John

Andy has some good suggestions - I have an email from record Power advertising their spring show in April - 15th 16th.  It's Chesterfield so it would be a good day out.  They ,ay have a deal on at the show - perhaps worth a call.

Also have a word with Tony at the club and see if anyone has one for sale.

Personally, I'd like to look and feel before I buy. We have this for sale at our club, but you;d have to come down to Wilmslow to get it.

Good luck Dave


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