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Saving a bowl?

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Bryan Milham:
I've never tried Olive Oil on anything (anybody else out there done so?).

But I do use Danish Oil or Finishing oil a lot, they look good.

Olive wood is a very oily wood so take care when gluing it and remounting it on the lathe also take great care when you have finished and clean all your tools and lathe of dust and shavings because it is a very corrosive wood on metal

Andy Coates:
Can I add a note of caution here...

any object on the lathe with a split in it...super glued or a potential risk when you turn the lathe back on.

After the terrible accident Lynne Yamaguchi suffered I'd be more inclined to simply accept the loss and bin it. Is it worth the risk of injury?

Thanks everyone for your replies!

I have read a couple of times about using olive oil on olive wood as being a very satisfactory finish so, hey, I'm gonna give it a go and see what happens.

Finding any type of finishing oil in my part of the world is 'tricky' to say the least so if I can successfully use olive oil, my own oil from the wood I am turning, it would make a nice talking point.

I didnt know that olive is corrosive! Thank you! I will definitely take care with cleaning down all metal parts.

Personal safety.... I never exceed 500rpm and RARELY stand in front of anything spinning toward me!! Not that I am totally scared but I prefer to take care. Yes turning takes longer, not I may not get the 'perfect' finish but I certainly feel more comfortable at this speed, for now at least.

Discarding this bowl is an option but I really want to try and finish it, even if it does take me a little longer than it should!!

Great forum guys, great help to this newbie!

Thank you

Bryan Milham:
Just peaked at your email address. Now I know why you say finishing oils are hard to come-by and 'my local village'.

Would be interesting to see more of your working conditions and other 'facilities'.


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