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Finished Olive Wood Bowl...

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So, here is my finished bowl with crack 'repaired'.

I have given it one coat of olive oil about 15 minutes ago and I think its going to need another coat or two at least to give it a nice natural sheen.

As I am pretty new to this I wonder if you can give me some tips on actually photographing pieces?

Looking at the images there appear to be a few gouge marks... They aren't gouge marks they are where the wood is 'disappearing'!

So please, come on you guys, give me some constructive critisism, what I should have done differently, how I could have improved on this piece etc etc.

In my 'defence' I would normally turn MUCh 'lighter' but I think that the piece would have just broken up!

Thanks for looking!

Terry Miller:
Just been reading your post on the making of this bowl and I think you have done very well. Keep up the good work.



I can see why you wanted to save it, gorgeous wood. When I have had to 'save' something like this I use a mixture of epoxy and brass powder to fix the split. Leave it for a couple of days to ensure that it is fully set and start turning slowly. If the crack hasn't sealed properly you can tell from the sound. It has to be something worth the risk though or I am like George and Andy and add to my firewood stash. This would have tempted me I think. Beautiful wood.


Thank you Terry!

It has been an 'interesting' project and a STEEP learning curve...

Just another 1.5m of olive tree to turn... I recon there is at least 20 bowls this size in there PLUS I have a large base of this tree still to get out which has two large burls... I have NO idea quite what to do with them but it will be fun learning/trying!


--- Quote from: bodrighywood on January 09, 2013, 07:35:11 PM ---I can see why you wanted to save it, gorgeous wood. When I have had to 'save' something like this I use a mixture of epoxy and brass powder to fix the split. Leave it for a couple of days to ensure that it is fully set and start turning slowly. If the crack hasn't sealed properly you can tell from the sound. It has to be something worth the risk though or I am like George and Andy and add to my firewood stash. This would have tempted me I think. Beautiful wood.


--- End quote ---

Thanks Pete...

It is a beautiful piece of wood and I really didn't want to lose it.

Now that this has been completed I am desperate to see what the other pieces re going to look like. This was just a small part of once section of olive that I was planning to turn into a winged bowl. Because the spalting was so deep I lost a section whilst turning so ended up with a MUCH smaller, 'normal' shape.

I m about to go cut the other piece in two and start turning that into a 'normal' bowl and see what happens. Likely wont get it finished until tomorrow but will see what happens.


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