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Yes, this was an idea of how I thought I may center the piece...

The issue was that I had no intention of removing ANY bark, nor did I want a perfect cylinder shape....

The issue was that I wanted to try and maintain the natural bark AND shape whilst turning out the end grain AND keeping the sides as thin as possible WITH the bark.

I will try and get a photo tomorrow of the piece to try better to explain....

I'm not overly impressed with the outcome to be honest, it was a test project that someone has asked me to look at. They havent seen it yet to comment but I will know more on Saturday. These damn fancy designer books are full of 'bright' ideas eh!


I've tried to look up a supplier to send you too and see what is a center finder but with no luck, what had been available at one time and may still be, is a large 14" (35.6 cm) diameter clean thick plastic disc with concentric circles  marked ever 1" (2.5cm) or 1/2" (1.3cm) the smallest circle about 3" (7.6cm) there is a small center hole for a pin or pencil and the same size hole to every circle line, the idea is aline the nearest circle over whatever you want to find the center of an mark the center or to find the best size blank out of a piece and draw a circle for cutting the blank round, I have one and should check as to how correct I've been in the details.

Another idea and hope it's of help.


What you are referring to is at as The Bullzeye Woodturner's Center Finder  Item #846243 . I can't find anything in UK.

john taylor:
Stiles and bates do one

Or there is this type

I use both for different jobs.



Well done John,  I'd checked Stiles and bates under center finder ... they call it something else ...   ;D ...  but that's the job.

The other I found too, I mark off blanked once in the round, as well as for squares if it's alot that I've to prepare or if it's a newel.

Cheers          David


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