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My turning days are over

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Hi Woody,
I have never met you but like others I have enjoyed your turning posts on the forum.
This just to wish you all the best for the future.

Hi Woody, I understand and sympathise with you but I hope you will still offer your welcome comments on this forum.


--- Quote from: woodndesign on January 17, 2013, 07:01:10 PM ---
Woody,  That's all that we wish for your being round for along long time, now reel in the bull within and take it easy, not that you can, it's the never give in, always active part so take care.

In reading between the lines, with you not saying as to if the Doctors are able to do anything, it's like with my Dad and left to time.

So less of the rush, there's always tomorrow as they keep telling us all.

Cheers         David

--- End quote ---

Hi David there is a pump they can fit when it gets to bad that's if I'm in the right location I am being refereed to a specialist at Newark Hospital so we will just have to wait and see 


Woody, That's good to read as to there is a pump, but how bad is bad that they'll do something and what the Fxxxx has being in the right location have in getting it done .. they'll ship organs anywhere so that beats me, if it's only a pump, what are we looking for, can we google it or find one on E-boot ...   ;D ..

Sorry ....  I don't understand this Country and getting anything done, why should anyone just have to wait, we've paid OUR money for a service, that's then cost cut by not treating people, should you have the money they'd have you in tomorrow ....   >:( ..  and you'd be back to a better life, even carry on with the turning as normal.

I feel strengly over these things as it was the case with by Dad, they don't act soon enough and when they did, then said it was too late to do anything ..  sorry ... I've finished now .. >:( ...

Till they'll do something take care.


Woody, I can only underscore the sentiments already expressed but would like to share a bit of wisdom passed on to me by a physioterrorist treating my back probs some yonks ago.
When I asked about carrying on with my turning he said that Med school didn't actually cover woodyturning so he would have to pass the question to a higher own body, it knows more than he ever would and would give plenty of warnings if it wasn't happy. The diffecult bit would be listening out and then acting on those warnings.
It worked for me and I'm still walking upright and turning,
Hope that's of some help to someone out there in turnyland
My advice to Woody? Don't sell up in haste, give it a year to assimilate (my cooldude word of the day 8) the info before taking such a major decision.
All the very best whatever the future holds


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