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Comments on this appreciated....


So, whilst scouring the internet for something TOTALLY unrelated to wood turning I cam across this...

Perfectly serviceable, quite 'nice'(?) looking... CHEAP AS CHIPS?

Just interested in peoples viewpoints on the pricing of this type of bowl.

Call it idle curiosity

Bryan Milham:
Well it's an American site, one of the comments is from Boston MA., so there is a lot of shipping costs (not shown) to go on top of that as well as any additional treatments needed to cover the IR 15 regulation for the international movement of wood (kill all the bugs and fungus').

So they (like you) have a healthy supply of very cheap Olivewood. Take a scan down this page, a 5" bowl blank to us is over £12.

Also it's not turned, probably gouged out very quickly with something like an Arbortech and smoothed on disc and belt sanders to an 'acceptable' finish.

looks as rough as old boots to me, you get what you pay for and I wouldn't pay for this one.
John BHT

Paul Hannaby:
I was asked to quote for something similar for a UK retailer a while back. They were looking for a "more reliable" source than the one they currently were using overseas. Needless to say I declined!


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