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The one that got away!

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Thanks for all replies...

Fixated on bowls at the moment as I need to make some for a customer and also for display!

I have managed other things including goblet which I REALLY enjoyed making!

Bottle stoppers are another things that I enjoy... Oh what am I saying... I just love turning!

At the moment I am 'struggling' for wood, mainly due to the weather! At least its not snowing!

Now, pens are something that I am interested in BUT I am not sure that I am up to those yet! And yes I think that olive would be great! The other slight problem is that I need to get 'kits' from outside of the country as there is nowhere here to buy them!

I get my pens from Austrailia, from TIMBERBITS,
Always had good service from David and he does a flat rate postage to UK, you will need to email him and find out what it would cost you perhaps.
Slimline pens come in at about £1.20 each and Sierra are also very reasonable.

Thanks ru55ell1

Do you get hit with import duty?

I know that if I tried getting anything outside of the EU it would take WEEKS, possibly months to clear customs and then I would get import duty on top!

Hi Arcos  --  You must have a go at pens, they are realy quite simple and quite cheap
Plenty of videos on Utube as well, This is my first goblet that I made a few months
ago, I did this one on the old Myford Lathe just before I got the new one.

Nice goblet julcle

I will have to see if I can find  'starter kit' that will include a mandrel that will get me going on pens!


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