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I don't see a problem with proper names as there are thousands of people with the
same name no matter what it is. I think that a region rather than a location would
be useful, mine is S. Wales. We can send a PM on this site so e-mail is not important,
the rest is up to how much the individual want's to share with the rest of the world.
Incidentally, does anybody know what the Teletype Button does in this reply box ?

I very much doubt if proper names will ever become a must. However it seems that there is a group of people who actually know one another and sometimes refer to them by their first name. This puts the rest of us at a slight disadvantage. My name address and telephone number are known right across India, but the Phillipinos seem to have lost me. My latest technique when faced with questions is to give all the wrong answers in the correct order. Could we please have a referendum on location some time soon?? Otherwise I'll leave !!!! So there!!!


Giving proper names and location gives away too much information on a wide open forum but I agree area might be useful. What's wrong with nicknames? Sometimes they are more unique than real names. I've had several and they've never caused a problem. However, if members want to know another's real name and address they can always send a Personal message. That way, the information remains private.

--- Quote from: julcle on January 26, 2013, 12:07:13 PM ---I don't see a problem with proper names as there are thousands of people with the
same name no matter what it is. I think that a region rather than a location would
be useful, mine is S. Wales. We can send a PM on this site so e-mail is not important,
the rest is up to how much the individual want's to share with the rest of the world.
Incidentally, does anybody know what the Teletype Button does in this reply box ?

--- End quote ---
Hi Julcle, the Teletype button creates raw text, without any font or formatting information. This used to be preferred as it reduced the amount of data sent in a message, thereby improving speed of transmission. Nowadays it is not really necessary, as internet speeds cope with vast amounts of data.
If you want to see the effect, use the button and copy some text between the two delimiters . For example I have used it here to copy the last line from your posting.

Incidentally, does anybody know what the Teletype Button does in this reply box ?

Hope that helps,

Many Thanks for the information Paul, I have it now.

Regarding names and locations. I know I have had this conversation with G****e before now. I use the name T*e B****r H****d T****R as that is the name I trade under.Nobody remembers a name but they never forget a hat. I am sure that most of you are aware that my real name is J**n R B***e-A****n and I am the SW rep for the A**B For me it is just who I am and what I do.
      When I first signed onto the forum it was the first forum I had ever been on and did not know what to expect so wanted to keep some level of anonymity. Obviously that now has not happened but with so many J**n's on the site sometimes it is easier to distinguish between them using nicknames. Now it is is just a habit with me. The general area of where you live could be useful, for me it would tell me if you are in my patch or not.  For those that are not in a club,and I did fall into that category for a while, it could mean contact with someone just around the corner.


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