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RPT Members


I have noticed that there are quite a few Professional Turners who are members here, my question is are there members here that was taught by one of these Pro's  ??? ??? I was, from a guy in Hutton-le-Hole, Mr Philip Greenwood, hooked ever since.  ;)

Bryan Milham:
Although I was turning to some extent before hand, I spent a week with one of the AWGB founder members in his workshop, (he's not on this forum though.) That is the point when I considered I'd started turning properly.

Since then I've done several single days with some of the RPTs here-in and otherwise.

I had an excellent days tuition on Platters and Decoration from Mick Hanbury. Would post the output but I cannot seem to get any pics onto this forum.
Will post this then give it one more try !!


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