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A cunning plan


This is liable to be of interest to a rather limited market but just in case it spurs a useful idea somewhere................
Fact 1)... Due to limited workshop space my router table has always sat on top of my saw/planer/thicknesser, which is a real pain when I want to saw or plane something.
Fact 2)... Mr Lidl is offering a block and tackle thingy on special this week, intended to lift bikes for off-ground storage.
Fact 3)... Yep, I bought one and installed it above the router table yesturday and 'hung' the router, about an inch above the saw, and left it overnight as a test. The arrangement passed with flying colours so from now on I will use the tackle to lift the router clear of the table before wheeling the saw out from under but I don't think I fancy the idea of leaving it suspended permanently
 A result, I think
All the best from the seaside

Andy Coates:
Sounds good to me, Brian. If you tether the chain surely you could leave it there all the time?

How much did Mr Lidl want for the B&T?

Hi Andy
There aint no chains on Mr Lidl ;D
The 'Bike Hoist' relies on a rather thin nylony cord which is gripped by a metal wedge thingy and I suspect Mr Health and Snoopy might have somat to say about the router's weight when compared to a racing bike. Permanent suspension would, I think, lead to a shortened lifespan (of the cord, not the router or operator!!!!) but that was never my intention. I have marked the balance points on the table and it takes but seconds to attach the two doubled hooks and raise it the few inches needed for the saw to be wheeled out.
I'm afraid I can't remember the cost but bearing my skinflint nature in mind it couldn't have been more than about a fiver or I would still be pondering and dithering ;)


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