General Category > General Discussion

Metricification of Imperial measurements.

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I think that they should stop teaching centimetres in schools and just teach metres and millimetres which is what is used in industry at the moment, look at any drawing to do with the construction industry and centimetres are not mentioned, and as for decimetres I have never dealt with them since leaving school,same as logarithms.

--- Quote ---Quote from: dr4g0nfly on Today at 06:43:34 PM
Ah, the old,

Measure Twice, Cut Once and beat into Place trick!

The other one I heard was,

Cabinet Makers work to the thou',
Joiner work to the 64th,
and Carpenters work Monday to Friday!
--- End quote ---

You could add that Turners work when they can.

John BHT

When I left school the only measurements we used was good ol imperial who needs all this metric stuff from abroad anyway imperial worked for donkeys years and in America it still is from another grumpy ol git

Andy Coates:
Cabinet Makers work to the thou',
Joiner work to the 64th,
and Carpenters work Monday to Friday!

excellent! must steal this and pass on!

ken rodgers:
Heres another one from my days in the RN - Engineers work to the nearest thou and shipwrights work to the nearest dockyard!!



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