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Rust Prevention

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I have got a couple of 100 Watt Greenhouse heaters which at this time of the year keep off the moisture in my shed. I "found" mine at a boot fair but they are available at URL below, and I'm sure elsewhere.

I know they burn electricity but I personally think its worth it.

Richard Stapley:
You should be aware that both Silicolne and PTFE are typical Non-Slip Surface Treatments [Non Stick Pans ect] and as such will repel Glue and Polishes so do not get any on Turned Wood or Wood you intend Glueing.

I've heard of Wood Workshops banning these from the workshop.


The last point is well made. Before retirement, I worked in an adhesive tape coating site where silicone sprays were banned because airborne silicone containing matter kills adhesive properties. Keep your wood away when spraying, especially if you do alot of gluing, like I do for segmented turnings. Malcolm.

One of the best ways to prevent rust forming on your lathe best is give it a rub over with candle wax.
John BHT


--- Quote from: George Watkins on February 06, 2013, 07:33:25 AM ---I use allot of green wood and at the end of the day after clearing up the shavings I spray any bare metal with either wd40 or ambersil 40+ I then just wipe it off the next day and start turning. If I know I’m going to be leaving something unused for longer than a week or two I use scottoiler 365 anti rust spray or acf 50 spray, I find these sprays form a thicker layer and last a long time they are especially useful of items like my bandsaw table which will rust very fast if left untreated.

--- End quote ---

George, you came up with the one I was trying to recall that one of the firms I'd work for used or I had used, as it was good, then I think there was a range for different applications, as with most brands out there.

I noticed today out shopping that WD40 200ml cans are marked No Silicon, a first as WD do not give the contents of it's product.

Ah...  now when I was growing up Dad had 3in1 for just about everything or a wipe over with dirty old engine oil, garden tools never rusted, and a gunsmith recommended I should use it on the gun for the carbon in the oil, never did, 3in1 ...

Cheers  David


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