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How much does your bowl cost?

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So another rant from me! >:(
     I have just been to a local craft outlet as one of the guys from the club said to have a look. There was the usual pottery(very good designs) and jewellry and paintings, it was a bit like any craft outlet anywhere in the country,however..........apart from the pens that were there,made by one of the club members and of very good quality and sensibly priced there was the work of 2 other turners that I have never heard of. It was absolute rubbish,no attempt had been made to get rid of the torn grain made by bad turning techniques and there were still sanding marks left from what looked like 80grit sandpaper. Now I appreciate that this type of finish may be shabby chic or rustic or provincial or whatever name you want to give as an excuse for poor finishing and I may be in the minority by not liking it, but what really got my goat was a poorly turned and finished Zebrano plate up for sale at £12 when I know that the blank cost at least twice that amount!!!
   So if you live locally to me and you are responsible for all this rubbish do me a favour and charge at least what the wood is worth. >:( >:( >:(
And if you genuinely want to be a woodturner come along to the local club and see how it is done correctly.
John BHT
sorry guys, rant over

Have to agree with you John. I have stopped doing most craft fairs due to the stuff that is for sale. I have been indiscreet and asked one or two how they can afford to sell at those prices and was told that they were only looking to cover costs. I have taken things off my stall at times as I have notice a fault in it as I laid it out. We all miss sanding marks, tool marks etc occasionally but there's no excuse for tatty shoddy workmanship or stupid prices.


Bryan Milham:

There were a series of craft markets leading up to Christmas here in W-s-M I walked around. Two stands selling various wooden articles both the same, underselling themselves and quite honestly, very little I considered well turned.

Then there was a pen turner, selling at prices that reflected the work and pen kits needed, thankfully doing what looked like a good trade.

You're right of course, but unfortunately very few hobby turners realise the impact they have on themselves and their fellow turners by such actions.

Doug Barratt:
It`s just free market economy, I might not like the fact that there are other tradesmen out there who will quote lower prices for jobs than me, but I either have to drop my prices, or prove to customers that my standard of work is worth the extra money.

I don`t think it`s correct saying cheaper items impact on other turners, these people are selling goods for a price their customers are willing to pay. Chances are these customers would be unwilling to pay more for the same item regardless of the improvement in quality, I`ve certainly found this to be true in my line of work.

Finally, I was bought up in a family business & whilst there are times I don`t believe it,  I was taught that the customer is always right as it is them who are paying my wage. So the Idea of going on a public internet forum frequented by my potential customers & insulting both them & their workmanship doesn`t seem like good business sense to me.  

Doug I read your comments with interest but I think you may have missed the point that I was trying to make or perhaps I didn't voice it correctly, in which case I apologise. I do not mind other turners selling their goods at a lower price than mine, I do not even mind if the quality of their goods is not quite 100%, we all have to learn. What I do object to is knowing that the items on sale are selling for less than the cost of the timber in the first place, that doesn't help anyone. Ok if you use free or found timber you can keep your prices low but to use an exotice piece worth 24 quid and sell the finished item for 12 you have to admit to that being a bit off.
John BHT


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