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How much does your bowl cost?

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Oh Arc, what have you done? You began with a relavent analogy about house selling in different regions and then followed up by trying to sell woody bits to bar hounds. Your stuff WILL sell for the right price but only if you offer it to the right people in the right surroundings.....In my opinion, that is ;)
On the bigger subject I wonder why folks on forums get so het up about other folks lives.. Live and let live to both buyer and seller I say.

Kevin Hanley:
At the risk of being controversial........

I know some turners for whom the pleasure of woodturning is in the process rather than the end result (well, that's what they say anyway) so when it comes to selling the price achieved for their work is immaterial, they simply want to shift stock.

Regards....and keep the dialogue going



--- Quote from: BrianH on February 18, 2013, 10:58:56 AM ---Oh Arc, what have you done? You began with a relavent analogy about house selling in different regions and then followed up by trying to sell woody bits to bar hounds. Your stuff WILL sell for the right price but only if you offer it to the right people in the right surroundings.....In my opinion, that is ;)
On the bigger subject I wonder why folks on forums get so het up about other folks lives.. Live and let live to both buyer and seller I say.

--- End quote ---

Selling woody bits to bar hounds! I like that!

The bar is of course a 'cultural bar' with lots of 'monied' people, artists, photographers, hippies (ooppss) and even a film director!

For me it is a good blend of people and nationalities for displaying a few items. Next month will start the tourists who will want to take a piece of Portugal home with them WON'T THEY!

And yes live and let live but for those in business it is THEIR living that is damaged by 'amateurs' giving the stuff away!

I recognise this now and will NOT give my things away BUT I cannot charge what is perhaps the going rate in the UK!

Keep the dialogue going ----------
Glenn Lucas in Ireland shows how to run a business. He even has a market for his shavings.
Tony Malin

Thats cool...

I too have a market for my shavings....

Someone saw the pile that I was cleaning up (I seem to make MORE shavings than pieces) and wanted to buy them!

Suggested I bag them up and sell them a euro a bag!

Nice little earner for sweeping up!


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