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Just acquired some Strawberry Tree!

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Just been out to get some gas for the chainsaw and noticed that the hunters yesterday broke a chunk of of a Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo)

It has been on my list of things to try turning as the wood looks very red through the bark. I have just cut a small piece and quickly turned to see the colour of the wood below.... It's nearly white!  :-\

Quite disappointed actually as I thought it would be a reddish colour at least! Maybe when it dried?

So, I seem to be collecting a lot of 'white' wood with little graining.

Is there anything that I can do to make it look more interesting? I suppose staining may be an option but I never really like the look of stained wood.

Any other suggestions? (Please not fire wood!)  ;)

it should dry with some pink fleck in it, subtle but very nice looking. However its hard to dry without cracking especially if left in the round. i suggest rough turning it or cutting the pith out to relieve the stress.

David Buskell:
It's nice timber - comes up with a lovely pinkish/reddish sheen when dry. Does crack a bit so turn it rough as Davidbrac suggests and leave it to dry out somewhere dark!

Bryan Milham:
I hope that whatever you make from it is nicer than that awful drink they make from the fruits - really an aquired taste!

Ah thanks for the tips guys!

Unfortunately its not a huge piece, maybe 4" diameter.

I had thought bout having an attempt at making my first lidded box from it but if it's going to crack easily then maybe not.

Maybe have a try at my first oval, natural edge bowl. It does seem to turn really nicely at the moment, I guess because its so green!

Just dragged up a load of 'seasoned' olive wood from the bottom of the farm! I think I should have enough now to fulfill my 6 bowls and salad bowl order!


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