General Category > General Discussion

Just acquired some Strawberry Tree!

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Hi Pete

Just looked up Brier and it is definitely not that.

I will take the camera out tomorrow and get a couple of snaps of the small purple flowered shrub.

The root does appear to be INCREDIBLY hard and, even though a near perfect ball, I am not to sure what to/how to deal with in prior to mounting on the lathe. Do I try ans split if in two? I suspect thats probaby the better option rather than 'wasting' what could be a 2nd bowl!

John D Smith:
Hi Arcos, When you have a Photograph of your Root post it and ask for advice of the Forum Members as to what to do they are a helpful bunch
I am sure George will be one of the first to offer advice. Regards John

Well, here is a piece of and off cut from the tree that I sliced off this afternoon to turn a little bowl...

The colour is amazing yes?

And thanks John.... As for the root, I will definitely get a photo in the morning and post it here for advice on how to slice and dice it!

I do hope that George can give me some good advice!

It is one hell of a lump and I can only just about pick it up but not carry it very far!!

John D Smith:
Arcos, Looking at that I will have mine done" Medium Rare" getting back to turning I think this will take some balancing up prior to turning.I am sure you will get some advice.Regards John


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