General Category > General Discussion

Making two matching items or more!

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Oh come now George!

Two insults in one thread?

Go for a hat trick and be done with it!


John D Smith:
I have never laughed so much at a thread on this Forum in all my life. I do so hope this stays as FUN and doesn't get out of hand. ;)
lets get back to the Round and Brown ;D ;D ;D Regards John

No, George PLEASE leave the posts....

I will be able to read them as I come over on the ferry to kick your ass!!

Martial artist remember  ;) (black belt 3rd dan)

Round and Brown boys, round and brown!!!

John D Smith:
Hi Arcos, Glad to see you are a good sport and have taken this thread all in good fun.Round and Brown ;D ;D ;D Regards John

Oh John....

I have dealt with worse!  ;D

I have a philosophy, NEVER join a forum unless you can take as good as you can give!

This is me performing Shihonage on a student....

I hope George has the same philosophy!  ;)


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