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GGrrr cannot get my head around it!!

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I want to make a winged bowl!!

Yes, I know, bit advanced but I really like them!!!

I just cannot seem to understand the principle... I've watched videos, read articles and it still just does NOT compute in my head.

I am sat here with what I thought was going to work and now see that its a piece of brown cr@p

Going to take it back to the lathe and keep shaving!

But if someone has a nice simple explanation of how to do this I would be very grateful!

As you said a bit advanced LOL. Do a search in youtube, there are quite a few videos there. If you do one make doubly sure you have tour face mask etc on as get a catch and bits can go into orbit.


Thanks Pete!

I have watched the vids on utube and still dont quite get the mechanics of it!

I tried two today... One went into orbit as it became real thin and the other... Well, dont ask!!!  ;D

Has anyone got any in the gallery that I can look at?

You may be better of trying a square bowl first as the wings will be smaller and easier to handle then progress from there good luck
Here are a few bowls but the only advice I can give is have your lathe running as fast as you dare stop the lathe very often and watch the shadow very carefully oh and your knuckles

happy amateur:
Have a look at a Bob Hamilton youtube video.
It is a bit slow but very good



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