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Craft Event Invitation...

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Andy Coates:
I've just had an invitation to a craft event. This is a prestige event, and well advertised and attended. But...

For the space I usually have at such events, and I only do four outside events a year now, it would cost...

£1100 without any extras, and not accounting for travel costs (considerable), five nights accomodation (frightening) and subsistance for the duration (with my appetite, not to be sneezed at)...

That's a fair amount of woodturned objects before you take any money!

What's the most expensive event you go to/ have been invited to?

Hi Andy,
            that does sound a lot of money, the most expensive one that I have heard of and there is no way I could afford it is at the Bath and West show where one of my mates (a woodturner) was quoted £1400 for a pitch.
      I tend to do shows local to where I live and usually if I take a lathe and demonstrate I either get the pitch free or  get reduced rates. If it is too far to travel each day I take a tent and camp to save a few quid on hotels and petrol.I'm normally so tired at the end of a day at the show that I have no trouble sleeping.

Dave Atkinson:
At our club we were quoted £4000 at the RHS at Tatton Park - We didn't take it up. ???

By the way Andy - you didn't mention the liquid refreshment which is also not inconsiderable :o

Cheers Dave

john taylor:
The most expensive ones I do are about £800 for a 4 x 3 metre stand but as they are only about a 10min drive from home very few other overheads.


John D Smith:
Hello John, At £800 you would have to sell a lot of pieces.Regards John


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