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EU introduces illegal timber import controls

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Bryan Milham:
A li k to the BBC News website.

New controls coming into force Sunday (3rd March) on importation of timber.

I think its a move in the right direction. However and its a big however, often the trade is sanction at Govt level by corrupt members of the Govt and there fore comes with all the qualifying paper work.

Bryan Milham:
Hughie, I'd like to think you were wrong, like to!

It's the old adage 'A lock will only stop an honest man.

I think this will just be used as an excuse for increasing the price of imported timber. It will not stop illegal logging at all as there are still unscrupulous buyers who will find a way to circumvent the system.
John BHT


It's like shopping, we're asked if we need a carrier bag, save the planet from plastic bags, they've got them, thousands have been made and still will, it's a by product, it's business, same with timber it has and will always be felled and find away into the market ...  and yes we pay the price.



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